Posted 11/1/22

Name: Shane Hudella Age: 51 (Fifty-One) Educational Background: I attended the University of St. Thomas after graduating Hastings High School in 1989.During my Sophomore year, I received deployment …

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Name: Shane Hudella
Age: 51 (Fifty-One)
Educational Background: I attended the University of St. Thomas after graduating Hastings High School in 1989.During my Sophomore year, I received deployment orders for Operation Desert Storm on December 4th, 1990, and had to report for duty 48 hours later.

Relevant Information:

24 year Army Veteran, retired First Sergeant with a proven record of leadership. In 2008 I founded a nonprofit organization to help military families. I grew the organizations from nothing into a successful national program that has now helped over 100,000 military families with over $20,000,000 in charitable giving.

I am not a career politician.

Office Sought: State Representative for Cottage Grove, Hastings, Denmark & Nininger Townships.

Why Shane Hudella for State Representative District 41B?

Crime and the Economy are both out of control.

With an estimated $12 BILLION dollar surplus by January, it is evident that we’re taking too much of your hard earned money.

I will be a part of the team that repeals the state tax on social security in the first few weeks of session, delivers across the board tax cuts for working Minnesotans in 2023, and fights the proposed Gas Tax increase that the DFL is pushing hard for.

There has also been a complete lack of accontability for crime in our state the last few years.

Minnesota is now officially a “high crime” state where murder is up a whopping 72% and daily violence is rampant in Minneapolis & St. Paul.

I will work tirelessly to refund the police, immediately crack down on crime and hold judges and prosecutors accountable for not following our sentencing guidelines. We have to stop the revolving door that is putting dangerous criminals back on the street as soon as they go to jail – keeping our communities safe is a core function of government and right now our state government isn’t doing its job.