30 results total, viewing 1 - 20
We took a long, fulfilling journey through the snow Saturday. We had an event planned a few weeks in advance. By midweek, it looked like it may come victim to the weather. Last week, I wrote about … more
Many young men in their formative years took time in their school schedule to learn worthwhile pursuits. Me? I learned to type. I was fastest on the keyboard in my class. Other fellows … more
As we welcome 2025, it’s the perfect time to reflect on the past year and set goals for the months ahead. While resolutions often center around health, relationships, or career, focusing on … more
I have opinions. I have also learned, through experiences, a great many things. And I have a great many things to learn. I also have a great many things that I know very little about, but I have a … more
It’s going to be a great Christmas! Barring unforeseen circumstances we plan to celebrate our with all kids, grandkids and a slew of dogs all in one place. Some years, for logistical reasons, … more
It’s literally Christmas Day and we’re all settled in with family and friends. By now we know who has been naughty and who has been nice. The proof is found under the tree, or, not under … more
It’s an interesting time we live in when a man halfway around the world is the reason that I celebrated with a cold one last week. The internet rules the world these days. I’m guilty of … more
As I drove home one night last week, I tuned into a radio program, and they were talking about the effect inflation has had on all of our lives. Perhaps, one gentleman said, perhaps hardest hit are … more
I’m going to miss you people, most of you at least. It’s been nice to know you. I’ll see you on the other side…of winter. The first rude cold blast took me aback at … more
There’s a lot of debate going on in our country right now. Sometimes, the discourse is less than civil. Sometimes, opinions of other people offend us. But let’s not let that ruin the … more
Just like that, it was over. After being inundated with negative information from both sides seemingly since the last election, I was able to wade through the garbage and cast my ballot. I walked out … more
Hello friends, As you read this I am high up on a Montana mountain with my 23-year-old daughter Selina Walters hunting elk and mule deer. I have to meet two deadlines as this is a 12-day trip so … more
In two days, our household received about a dozen pieces of political junk mail. Because of current events, I studied them all to see which candidate is going to do something about one of the … more
It’s already winter, at least in my mind. It’s cold, and I awoke to ice on my windshield. Not only that, but there was significant damage from this first frigid attack. I strolled … more
I blinked first this year. Every heating season, like many households, we play the game of waiting as long as absolutely possible to begin the flow of gas to our furnace. I was humiliated in that … more
We’ve finally landed in part two of my season. There are 365 days of the year divided into 12 months. There are four seasons. They’re determined by the earth’s orbit around the sun … more
I was in a different world altogether on Saturday. I saw and experienced things I’ve never seen in more than six decades on this planet. It was somewhere I never intended to be. We … more
A quick calculation tells me that I’ve been around for more than 3,000 weekends. The one I just got done with was the best yet. I’ve certainly had some whopper weekends in my younger days … more
Ever since people started buying in plastic bottles what comes out of the tap for little or nothing, I’ve been skeptical. Little did I know, there was an enemy lurking somewhere in the H20. … more
I always believed that after four decades of starting several days each week when it’s dark and ending them with a burger and beverage after covering a late-night meeting, I’d look … more
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