30 Years Ago SOUTH ….

Posted 3/2/22

30 Years Ago SOUTH WASHINGTON COUNTY BULLETIN January 9, 1992 Recap summary: A survey put out by county residents dedicated to preserving “country flavor” and local open spaces reports that …

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30 Years Ago SOUTH ….


30 Years Ago

SOUTH WASHINGTON COUNTY BULLETIN January 9, 1992 Recap summary: A survey put out by county residents dedicated to preserving “country flavor” and local open spaces reports that county residents value the rural atmosphere, then threatened by development.

Following the concept of a land trust, the survey included the following statistics: 20 percent of county residents were on farms.

Washington County residents more likely to be “pro-environment” than the state or nation at large 80 percent reported that the rural atmosphere was “important” or “very important” to them.

95 percent thought that quality of life was “excellent” or “good” A majority in favor of permanent protection given to various types of land, including “wildlife land, farmland, forest, wetlands, and groundwater recharge areas.”

Coming in for resident dislikes on the survey were a “recent growth in population and development,” with some 70 percent favoring more open space creation and a majority reporting that they held “future population growth and development” to be a “bad thing.” Among the cited dislikes of growth were an increase of pollution, disappearance of farms, “general consequences of overgrowth,” along with higher crime and taxes. As such, the idea of a “land trust” was said to be quite popular.

“The land trust concept, while unfamiliar to many residents, struck a very responsive chord,” Bill Morris was reported as sharing in his role as president of Decision Resources. “Most residents move to Washington County because of the rural beauty and ambience,” he said in part.

The Washington County Land Trust also came in for mention, along with the Land Stewardship Project.

Modern Cottage Grove starts to rise 61 years ago February 24, 1961 Summary recap: Pete Tibbetts is honored as a charter member and past president of the local VFW. At the banquet, he gives some thoughts on development: “It’s important that this growth (of the county) be well ordered and planned at all stages., with consideration for all resources, both physical and natural.: Newport Council hears from John Reiling, on a request to sink a community well in the Haven Heights area. The council would decide the matter March 3, while they denied a request to establish an “automobile dismantling yard” at Newport.

Judges from the metropolitan area form a Suburban Judges association and look for members from the eastern Twin Cities.

A fire at Newport drives Mr. and Mrs. Sam D. Banger to temporary quarters’s at the home of Mrs. William Brady, the mother of Mrs. Sam D. Banger. Starting in a first floor bedroom closet, it spread to a bathroom before coming under control. Mr. Sam D. Banger was a truck driver en route to New York at the time of the fire.

No deaths were reported as a result of the blaze.

County Auditor Roy F. Johnson was said to have county road bids that would be opened March 7 at the County courthouse, specifically in relation to grading and gravel surfacing on county state-aid highway 37. Eight counties were to share the road work, estimated to cost “about a million dollars.”

Speaking at a meeting at the Community Congregational Church at Summit and Pullman, District 3 Representative Clark MacGregor said that labor was developing a belief that its problems were to be solved via the White House.

“The president of the United States has much more important things to do than spend half to three quarters of his time settling labor disputes,” Representative Mac-Gregor tells the more than 200 South Washington county Republicans gathered to hear him speak. But there was more. “It spells the death of legitimate collective bargaining,” MacGregor said of the tendency to look for a solution from the head of the executive branch.

Criticizing JFK’s inaugural address as compared with reality, MacGregor hits his high note.

“We heard those grand words on January 20 that we should ‘Ask not what the country can do for you, but what you can do for it,’” he says. “But now we find that only some of the nation is being asked to give to the country” as he criticizes a flight engineer strike.

Upriver at the Stillwater Prison 134 Years Ago THE PRISON MIRROR January 4, 1888 For the Mirror. A Tragedy. While sitting in my lonely cell, and thinking of the past, I recall something that happened a number of years ago, and while it is in my mind tonight I will try to write it, and I hope everyone, who reads THE MIRROR will take what I write below as a warning.

While residing in New York City a few years ago, and holding a responsible position, I used to frequent the club rooms, and it is there my story begins. I was presented to a young man one night while strolling from room to room, and we formed a strong friendship at once, and during our conversation, he told me he was on his way home from Cornell University, where he had graduated only three days before. He spoke to me just as though I were an old friend instead of the acquaintance of an hour. Before we parted that night we became well acquainted with one another. Next morning I met him at a familiar restaurant, and while drinking our coffee he told me he thought he would leave the city that day; but he found the sights so interesting that he remained three days longer, and the morning that he left New York he made me promise that I would pay him a visit at his country home in August. I was glad to accept this invitation, so in August 1877, I stepped out of a railway carriage at a small station on the Hudson. My young friend was waiting for me with a splendid span of horses and a nice carriage, into which I immediately got and was driven through the most beautiful part of New York state. Our pleasant drive did not last long, as his home was only four miles from the station, but as we drove along I gazed often at my young friend’s face and thought he looked happy. Surely he had everything to make him so, being the son of a wealthy and loving mother. With these thoughts in my mind we arrived at our destination. If I were to live to be one hundred years old I should never forget that day nor how happy I felt and how my kind hostess received me when I was presented to her.

Now, dear reader, having the opportunity, I will give you the picture of my young friend. First, I will present him to you as Forsyth, young—only twenty— healthy, with great wealth, and good looking; but his mouth, although well formed, showed weakness of character. In fact, he was a young man easily tempted and led astray. I am sorry I cannot present him to you as a great hero. I know it would be more interesting for you to read if he were one, but remember, dear reader, if this was the case I would not have this dark chapter to write…(continued next week!)

French Canadian in the Twin Cities 137 Years Ago Echo de L’Ouest (Western Echo) February 25, 1885 The harvest of pine in the Western States The Northwestern Lumberman published a very elaborate review yesterday of the pine harvest during 1884 for Northwest America. We see within the report that the pine harvest in those districts west of Chicago, and comprising the districts of Duluth along with the Chippewa and St. Croix Rivers… has been 3,448,646,757 (board) feet.

Births In this city on the ninth of the present month, to Mrs. Pierre Bourgeois, a daughter.

In the same place, on the sixth of this month, to Mrs. Joseph Baillargeon, a son.

Deaths. Mr. Abner Mead died the 16th of the month in this village, at an advanced age. His funeral Mass was held the 23rd of the month at the Church of Our Lady of Lourdes.

Mortality at Montreal The number of dead among the Catholics of Montreal, from the first of January to the 14th “courant,” has been 900. This is the most largest number that has ever been seen in such a short time.

Our thanks to the one “de droit” who sent (us) the report of the State Auditor, covering the 20-month period expiring July 31, 1884, and presented to the Legislature in session.

Upriver at Taylor Falls Almost 155 Years Ago THE TAYLOR FALLS REPORTER An Unconditional Union Paper. Devoted to the interests of the Northwest.

March 30, 1867 Minnesota News The Government has appropriated $300,000 for the “relief” of the friendly Sioux Indians, living near Lake Traverse, and an agent has already started for the Lake with the “relief,” transported by forty yoke of cattle.

On the shores of Spring Lake just southeast of Grey Cloud Island 164 years ago THE EMIGRANT AID JOURNAL OF MINNESOTA City of Nininger, Dakota County, Minnesota Territory February 24, 1858 MILL SITE FOR NOTHING Great Chance For Capitalists!

An excellent site for a saw mill, with the land attached, is offered free to anyone who will erect a mill thereon. The advantages for receiving and retaining logs, and floating the lumber with the current into the river, is unsurpassed by anything on the Mississippi. An abundance of fuel on the spot. There is an excellent home market, in the rapid growing towns and numerous settlements in the rich country on both sides of the river. Anyone desirous of further information can address M. A. Miller, City of Nininger, Dakota County, Minn.

A RARE CHANCE The undersigned, desirous of having a Brick Yard established in Nininger, will sell to any party who will take the matter in hand, an excellent Brick Marching of New York manufacture, the necessary amount of clay and timber, and will receive his pay for the same in bricks at the current price. Address Ignatius Donnelly Nininger, Minnesota OUR POSTAL ARRANGEMENTS We hear considerable complaints from subscribers near Lakeville about delays in receiving their newspapers. It takes the Journal as long to go from Nininger to Lakeville, a distance of about sixteen miles, as it does to go from Nininger to New York, a distance of about thirteen hundred miles. There is something wrong in this. One of our citizens contemplates running a stage line from Nininger to Lakeville during the coming summer, and if he could obtain a contract for carrying the mail, he would certainly bring his idea into execution. Will not our Lakeville friends take hold of the matter, and get up a proper petition on the subject to the Post Office Department at Washington?

Territorial Dispatch 170 Years Ago DAKOTA TAWAXITKU KIN/THE DAKOTA FRIEND* March 1852 Matthew 7:15 Wicaxta wakan wicakapi xni kin hena on wakta unpo. Hena tarinwanuyanpi tawokoyake koyakapi, qa ekta nihipi tuka tanmahen xonktokeca wayapon unpi hecapi.

*The Dakota Friend was published by a Presbyterian missionary and his brother, who shared European farm techniques alongside their mission efforts to help the Dakota avoid winter food shortages.