40 Years Ago THE ….

Posted 12/7/21

40 Years Ago THE HASTINGS STAR-GAZETTE Letter to the Editor: To the editor: I can’t help but make some comments on a couple of your front page headlines last week. First of all, the hunting problem …

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40 Years Ago THE ….


40 Years Ago


STAR-GAZETTE Letter to the Editor: To the editor: I can’t help but make some comments on a couple of your front page headlines last week.

First of all, the hunting problem that Council Legler says he has in his 1st Ward.

I happen to know Dave and I’m sure that if anyone was hunting on his property and they told him to go to hell when he asked them to get off, that he wouldn’t just say OK. He’d call the police, sheriff, and probably the state patrol to see that this person got off his land.

If this is the biggest problem that he can come up with, then he better look around town. Just because he’s from the 1st Ward doesn’t mean he can’t get his nose in other ward problems.

Do we need another parking lot for downtown? Who is this going to benefit? One will be the Gardner House and their customers. This at the taxpayer’s expense.

I saw Setterholm deal from start to finish and I wonder how much was made when Jerry took over.

I think before we put in another parking lot downtown, we better find out if there are enough cars now to fill the parking spaces we now have downtown. I’m not against fixing up downtown, but I don’t think a parking lot is the place to start fixing.

The preceding letter and following headlines are archived at the Pioneer Room at Hastings City Hall Severed Hand restored by microsurgery, by Jane Lightbourn County submits landfill sites despite protests, by Judy Hemp Warning Siren Planned (story by Judy Hemp) Modern Cottage Grove begins to rise Almost 61 Years Ago THE REPORTER January 5, 1961 Serving St. Paul Park, Newport, Thompson Grove, Woodbury Hts.

New Bookmobile Stop Schedule Set THIS AREA—Here is the recently announced new scheduled for the Washington County bookmobile: SECOND MONDAYS Cottage Grove, 9:45 a.m. to noon.

Thompson Grove: Tamie and Cherrie, 1 to !:1:30 p.m.; Garwood and Jane, 1:45 to 2:30 p.m; Belden and Hollywood, 2:45 to 3:15 p.m.; Rose of Sharon school, 3:35 to 3:45 p.m.

FOURTH WEDNESDAYS St. Paul Park: Holly and 9th, 9:45 to 10:15 a.m; Mc-Cammon and 11th, 10:30 to 11 a.m.; Marshall and Pullman, 11:10 to noon; St. Thomas school, 12:45 to 1 p.m; St. Andrew’s school, 1:10 to 1:45 p.m.

Grey Cloud Island: Dalluhm Cor., 2 to 2:45 p.m; Stiefel Cor., 2 to 3:30 p.m.

First Aid Saves Life of Tiny Tot SOUTH St. Paul—The life of a South St. Paul child was saved by mouth-tomouth respirations, applied by an off-duty St. Paul policeman Monday.

Joseph Crea, 2, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Crea, Cordes Lane, South St. Paul. They were visiting the home of Patrick Area, Capitol Blvd., St. Paul.

Officer Donals Swenson, 476 Lafond, was also at the Crea home watching the Rose Bowl football game.

At about 4:00 p.m. Joseph was found hanging, his head caught between the top of a double bunk bed and the wall. His breathing had apparently stopped.

Swenson immediately administered mouth-to-mouth respiration. The child was taken to St. Joseph’s Hospital where his condition was reported Wednesday as improving.

Fines Suspended in Spirit of Christmas NEWPORT—Justice of the Peace Bert A. Tuman exercised the spirit of the season Wednesday before Christmas when he suspended fines and court costs of six persons with the provision that they spend the money on their families.

The average fines and court costs were $19.

“This was a total of $114,” said Justice Tuman, “and I told the six that I would suspend their fines because it is Christmas time if they would take the money and go home to their families with it. I also told them not to break any more traffic laws in the future.”

Justice Tuman said he had the backing of the police department and the village council in his action.

Farming and small town items 120 Years Ago WASHINGTON COUNTY JOURNAL Motto: “Independent and Impartial” November 15, 1901 —The following new books have been received by the Stillwater public library. Preserve the list for reference: Allen, Grant—Cities of Northern Italy Archibald, J. F. J.—Blue shirt and khaki.

Armstrong, Edward—Lorenzo de Medici. Beard, Lina—American girls handy book.

Bellany, Blanche W.— Poetry and prose for school days.

Besant, Walter—Story of King Alfred Bright, J. F.—Joseph Second (More books) Crodckett, S. R.—Cinderella Crockett, S. R.—Joan of the sword hand.

(Still more books) Poe, E. A.—The gold bug. Potter, Margaret H.— House of de Mailly.

Richards, Laura E.— Geoffrey Strong.

Shipman, L. E.—Curious courtship of Kate Poi’s.

Somerville, Henry—Jack Racer.

Stephens R. N.—Capt. Ravenshaw.

Stewart, J. A.—The eternal quest Stockton, F. R.—Squirrel inn.

Veneable, W. H.—Dream of empire.

Voynich, Ethel—Jack Raymond.

Ward, Herbert—How the burglars moved paradise.

White, Stewart.—The westerners Lake St. Croix was frozen over at the corresponding period last year, but indications are that the lake will remain open a few days longer.

Two games of basket ball will be played at the armory tonight. The first team of Company K will play against the agricultural college team and the second team will play the high school team.

William Kaiser and other lumbermen, who recently purchased the large mill at South Stillwater, formerly owned by the St. Croix lumber Company, are making preparations to make extensive changes in the mill, which is to be ready to start at the opening of next season’s work on the St. Croix. The mill is to be equipped with the most modern machinery and lath and shingle saws will be added.

Upriver at the Stillwater Prison 134 Years Ago THE PRISON MIRROR Published by the inmates of the Minnesota State Prison at Stillwater Minnesota Vol. 1, No. 5 September 7, 1887 Motto: “It is never too late to mend.”


A Partially Imaginative Picture Before and After “Taps.”

How few there are whose curiosity leads them to visit the great prisons of this country, who are impressed with the deep solemnity of their gloomy precincts, and the dull, inanimate manner of their inmates as they silently shuffle about in the discharge of their duties and view them otherwise than collectively, failing to assign to each the different characteristics, mental and physical, which distinguishes them; or that all are characterized by this depressed and listless air, as though they had built a bridge over the chasm that separated them from the outside world, and were mentally crossing it, and did not think it necessary to brighten up or to be interested until they crossed it in reality.

“The Wages of Sin Is Death.”

Nations have withered and decayed and taken back in dark ages of eternity retrograded in base ignorance from the divine ethics and divinity of God’s laws, and those marked and confounded, are scattered over the face of the earth. Such are the fruits of sin. Reader, can’t you look back in the past and see that your mar of life is your sin, that it don’t only mar the present, but brings sorrow and regret in the future: that it keeps you from being better men and women? Can we but frankly and honestly acknowledge that we never sin and that our conscience didn’t smite our inmost soul with warning and fear? Sin is the deformer of the mortal world. It rushes upon us like the lion on Samson. If we overcome it the next time we will find but a nest of honey within it. But if it overcomes us we must go in the dark prison and grind in blindness like Samson.

BEHIND THE BARS. An Interesting Visit to Minnesota’s Great Penal Institution (now demolished and replaced).

On Saturday last, accompanied by Dr. Francis, the editor paid a visit to the state penitentiary at Stillwater, and passed about an hour in an interesting ramble through the different departments of the institution. The penitentiary is nicely situated in a niche with high rocky hills on three sides, while the front faces the street with the St. P. & D. R. R. And St. Croix River a little beyond. Entering the cozy rooms of the warden, H. G. Stordock, we passed several minutes in pleasant conversation with that gentleman, while awaiting the arrival of the usher, Capt. W. H. H. Taylor. Passing through the hallway, under the latter gentleman’s charge, a large grated door swings on its hinges, we enter the portals and for the first time in our somewhat brief but eventful career, stand behind the walls of the penitentiary. We told the doctor as much, to which he made reply that we might as well get used to it now as at any other time. (To be continued).

158 Years Ago Next County Over THE ANOKA STAR Motto: Virtue, Intelligence, Order, Industry, Friendship, Unity, Happiness November 28, 1863 War and other News Burnside is safe, and a column is moving to his relief.

The Mississippi is closed now, sure. So drive your teams.

Gold is falling.

Territorial Dispatch Almost 170 Years Ago THE DAKOTA FRIEND Published by the Dakota Mission G. H. Pond, Editor January 1852 A Fragment from an unwritten chapter on the Minnesota Fur Trade.

SIEUR DU LUTH, NO 1 (concluded this week) With fifty good men, well armed, he there stationed himself, and thus gave security from the Iroquois to those Indians about Green Bay. In the year 1689, immediately previous to the burning of Schenectady, we find him repulsing the Iroquois in the neighborhood of Montreal, and though we cannot say with certainty, there is a probability that he was with a former associate, Mantet, in the midnight sack of that town.

During these difficulties with the English, the authorities at Montreal were receiving letters from voyageurs at the headwaters of the Mississippi, from the head of Lake Superior and from Lake Winnipeg, making proposals for the establishment of posts, but they could not be granted. The Governor to their entreaties replied: “The principal affair at present is the security of the colony.” Consequently trade began to diminish, and the distant tribes to look with longing eyes towards Orange, the trading post of the British; and in 1723, we find Cadwalader Colden, Governor of New York, writing to London in these words: “If the Indians shall be once convinced that the French cannot supply them with the goods they want, or that they are furnished much cheaper by the English, it will take off the dependence of the remote Indians on the French. **** What is already done, has had so good an effect, that but a few days ago, eighty Indian men, besides women and children, arrived at Albany, from the farthest nation, who live about Missilimakenak, 1200 miles distant from Albany. They could not be stopped in their design, by all the art of the French. **** The language of these Indians is not understood by any christian among us.” ** Fragments not yet produced, it is hoped will fill up some of the gaps, which the reader acquainted with the history of the early fur trade, west of Lake Michigan may have noticed.

Saint Paul.