45 Years Ago THE ….

Posted 11/10/21

45 Years Ago THE HASTINGS GAZETTE NOVEMBER 4, 1976 PAPER DRIVE at Cottage Grove The Youth Group at the United Church of Christ of Cottage Grove will have a Paper Drive on Saturday, Nov. 6. They will …

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45 Years Ago THE ….


45 Years Ago THE HASTINGS GAZETTE NOVEMBER 4, 1976 PAPER DRIVE at Cottage Grove The Youth Group at the United Church of Christ of Cottage Grove will have a Paper Drive on Saturday, Nov. 6. They will welcome all the papers you can give them.

State of Minnesota Proclamation WHEREAS; Veteran’s Day is a salute to the nearly 29 million living men and women who served in the ranks of patriots, in peace and war, for duty, honor, and country; and WHEREAS; the veteran stands for peace, because he fought for it; he stands for faith, because he returned in confidence to raise a family, to participate in the affairs of the Republic as a full citizen; and WHEREAS; the services performed by these gallant Minnesotans have demonstrated the unselfish willingness of our nation, and our state, to meet the challenge of those forces wishing to subjugate through armed conflict the cause of individual freedom; and WHEREAS; the people of this nation and the State of Minnesota are grateful to the veterans of the Armed Forces who have faithfully performed and continue to perform their duties of citizenship and service to the community, state, and nation; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Wendell R. Anderson, Governor of the State of Minnesota, do hereby proclaim Thursday, November 11, 1976 as Veterans Day In Minnesota, and ask that the day be observed with appropriate ceremonies in recognition of those who served our nation with honor during time of war.

FURTHERMORE, I call upon citizens, business firms, and state buildings to mark this day with the proud display of the flag of the United States and the State of Minnesota in tribute to those who, disregarding personal safety, have contributed so much to the preservation of our liberty and the American way of life.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the State of Minnesota to be affixed at the State Capitol this twenty-eighth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred seventy-six, and of the State the one hundred eighteenth.

/s/ Wedell R. Anderson, Governor /s/ Joan Anderson Growe, Secretary of State LANGDON Locals Luella E. Halberg, 459**** Caroyl and Terry Redmond entertained at Sunday dinner for the Harold Van Alstines of Minneapolis.

Mrs. Allen Olson and daughter Bev attended the birthday supper in honor of granddaughter and niece, Jennifer Palmen on Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. John Mattson spent the weekend at the Robert Redmond home.

Almost 62 Years Ago THE REPORTER January 8, 1960 Woodbury Heightlites By Mrs. Margaret Peck Spring 9-9196 TOWN BOARD MEETS The town board will meet Monday, January 11 at the Woodbury Community Hall at 7:30 p.m. You are invited and encouraged to attend these meetings.

FLYING SAUCERS? Now that there is snow and ice on the streets again, we hope you will be a little leery of that curve in Edgewood Street in Woodbury No. 3. During our last slippery weather, Mrs. Toni B., Mrs. Dorothy S., and Mrs. Katherine S., who are all located on that curve might have thought for a while that they were seeing flying saucers, as they sipped their morning coffee. What it turned out to be, however, was flying mailboxes. Not only did mailboxes fly on several occasions, but cars have been known to bang into each other too, so hang on to your wheel, and please take it slow.

SYMPATHY My sympathies this week go to the mothers who had put away their referee shirts and whistles since school was open again, only to find her little rascals on Monday morning covered from head to toe with chicken pox… well, here we go again!

SCHOOL LUNCH MENU Monday – January 11 Chili and crackers, peanut butter sandwiches, cookie, milk.

Tuesday – January 12 Beef stew with vegetables, butter sandwiches, Bismarck, milk. Wednesday – January 13 Baked beans, meat and butter sandwiches, sauce, Cole slaw, milk.

Thursday – January 14 Barbecue on buns, corn, apple crisp, milk.

Friday – January 15 Potatoes and fish sticks, lettuce salad, butter sandwiches, jello, milk.

120 Years Ago WASHINGTON COUNTY JOURNAL “Independent and Impartial” October 18, 1901 Ex-Gov. John S. Pillsbury of Minneapolis died at 2:38 this morning. All day yesterday as his strength gradually ebbed, death was momentarily predicted, but his great vitality kept him alive for hours after the family physician said the end was at hand.

The Light of the World Or Our Saviour in Art Cost nearly $100,000 to public, Nearly 100 superb engravings of Christ and his moth by the great painters. Child’s stories for each picture. So beautiful it sells itself. Presses running day and night to fill orders. 12 carloads of paper for last edition. Mrs. Walte, in Massachussetts, has sold over $5,000 worth of books.— first experience.

Roosevelt on his refusal to be guarded after McKinley’s assassination: “This is a republic and people of all grades of intellect must sooner or later learn that the president is not a ‘ruler’ in any sense of the word. Presidents Lincoln and Garfield were killed by men of unbalanced brains. President McKinley was assassinated by an anarchist because he was ‘a ruler.’ I want people of all classes in this republic to understand that their president is not a ‘ruler’ in any sense of the word, but in every sense a servant of the people…” (Roosevelt was shadowed by security in spite of his wishes).

Upriver at the Stillwater Prison 134 Years Ago THE PRISON MIRROR Vol. 1, No. 1 August 10, 1887 Our Motto: “God helps those who help themselves”** **Soon changed from its John Cassian sounding overtones.

SALUTATORY “The Prison Mirror” casts its first reflections upon the world.

And sheds a ray of light upon those behind the bars.

Its Founders, Its Mission, And Its Management.

It is with no little pride and pleasure that we present to you, kind reader, this our initiative number of THE PRISON MIRROR, believing as we do that the introduction of the printing press into the great penal institutions of our land, is the first important step toward solving the great problem of true prison reform. With this as our maiden issue, of THE MIRROR is born a new innovation into the dark dreary, monotonous existence of those whom fate hath led downward to the narrow confines of a prison cell and branded as social outcasts; upon the darkened lives of such. It shall be the one great mission of THE MIRROR to reflect a glad ray of hope to light and encourage them upward toward a higher and nobler life, to banish from their hearts the midnight gloom of prejudice, envy and malice, and in their bosoms reflect the cheering light of reason, truth, and love. It shall be the untiring mission of the “MIRROR” to encourage prison literary talent, and to instruct, assist, encourage, and entertain all those within our midst, and to scatter words of warning upon the unwary path of those in the outside world, whose reckless footsteps may be leading them hitherward…This we believe, is the only printed sheet now in existence, organized, published, edited and sent forth to the world by prisoners, confined within the walls of a penitentiary… Territorial Dispatches 164 Years Ago EMIGRANT AID AND JOURNAL City of Nininger Dakota County Minnesota Territory November 7, 1857 The Destitution Hoax Sometime since we commented on an article that appeared in the N. Y. Evening Post, relative to the danger of impending starvation in Minnesota. It relied in part for tis groundless fears, on a letter written by a nervous gentleman living in the region that was so devastated by the grasshoppers last spring. He had honestly supposed supposed because his corn patch was eaten up the destructive insect, that the whole country was about being destroyed. We undertook, in our remarks, to show that the Post was the victim of its own gullibility, and that the Territory was more bountifully supplied with food than ever before. We also gave an account of the ravages of the grasshopper, showing they were confined to a narrow strip in a sparsely peopled district; also that the insect had made and early and sudden exit to parts unknown, allowing farmers time to amend their losses to some extent, and that everything was then in a flourishing condition.

The Vote For Governor. After being set down as certain that Mr. Sibley was elected Governor, the astonishing pronouncement was made that the Lake Superior Counties had gone largely for Ramsey, which secured his election. The Democrats had honestly supposed they had a reserved strength in that region, which was correct excepting in the instance of Governor. “All’s fair in politics,” it seems, evening in Minnesota.

Some results. Washington County: Ramsey 1472, Sibley 875.

Anoka County: Ramsey 299, Sibley 207 Ramsey County: Ramsey 1472, Sibley 2118 Dakota County: Ramsey 872, Sibley 1184 170 Years Ago THE MINNESOTIAN November 6, 1851 Page 2, top right corner: Facts and Fancies The charge of the Democrat, that no measures have been taken to prevent the Winnebagoes (Ho-Chunk) going south, is like every other assertion in its last number, entirely false. Major Alexander has been out several days with a large force of dragoons, driving them back to their homes.(The Indian Treaties were considered “essential” to Minnesota’s future at this time in history, as expressed elsewhere in that era’s newsprint).

Also 170 Years Ago

THE DAKOTA FRIEND October 1851 Mnahoodan killed. This affair took place before the commencement of missionary operations, perhaps about twenty years ago. Through the influence of Mr. Renville, and perhaps others, the Dakotas in this part of the Minnesota Valley had made peace with some bands of the Ojibwas (Chippewa). It was the time for the fall hunt, and Mr. Renville in giving credit to the Indians, as is customary, urged upon the principal men to keep the peace and gave some blankets to a few of the more energetic young men, with special instructions to punish the first individual who violated it.

In a few weeks the Warpetonwans (a band of Dakotas) had encamped in the region of country now occupied by the Winnegbagoes, and the camp of Hole-in-the-day, father of the present chief bearing this name, and his band, was not far distant. The young men from each camp occasionally met in their hunting excursions. One evening, an Ojibwa brave, had accompanied some fo the Dakota hunters home, and was now in the soldiers lodge. They were encamped near a lake. Most of the hunters had already arrived at home and were eating of what they had brought in, when the camp was suddenly thrown into commotion by the shout of victory. A Dakota young man, whose name was Mnahoodan, (Black-hawbush) had killed an Ojibwa, and was coming home across the lake shouting. Before reaching the camp, he was met by Marpeeyasna, (Rattling Clouds) who demanded his gun, that he might break it, saying that he had come for that purpose. Black-hawbush refused to be punished in this way, for what he considered a glorious deed, declaring that he would die, before he would give up his gun. It was wrested from him and broken. Then drawing his knife he ran to the soldiers lodge and began cutting it, in defiance of the agreement which had been there entered into, to keep the peace. He was, however, prevented from doing much injury, and finally sent home.

As Mnahoodan had resisted the decrees of this council, it now became a question whether he should live or die. The next morning, some young men were sent to escort the Ojibwa, who had spent the night there, a short distance on his way home. He was requested to come back with others of the Ojibwa braves, in three days, when they would learn the results of the case. In the mean time, in the Dakota camp, they came to the determination to deliver up Mnahoodan to the will of the Ojibwas. They evening of the appointed day, a company of men were seen coming across the lake. Before they reached the camp, they fired off their guns, and were soon met and escorted home by the Dakotas. That night the proposition was made to the Ojibwa braves, that they should kill Mnahoodan. They refused, asserting that if they did so, it would only bring on renewed hostilities. The Dakotas assured them that that would not be the case, but they very wisely persisted in refusing. They were then told to come back to that place again after three days, when they would see the evidence of the desire of the Dakotas to live in peace with them.

The next evening a council of war was called, and as they sat around a circle, and smoked the pipe in the soldiers lodge, the exciting question of “Who will be the executioner?” went round, once and again; but no one said “Ho.” At length Marpeeyasna took up his gun and in the presence of them all loaded it, declaring that if no one else was brave enough to execute the sentence, he would do it.

An hour after Mnahoodan was shot in his own ten by Marpeeyasba, and by the command of the old men, was placed up on a scaffold (prior to burial) the next morning. Sadness and gloom had now gathered over the camp, and as soon as that ceremony was performed the Dakotas struck their tents and moved towards home. And in a few weeks a war party was made up against the Ojibwas, as the only means of allaying the existing state of feeling which had been created among themselves.

S. R. R. Lac Qui Parle, Aug. 1851