45 Years Ago THE HASTINGS GAZETTE Hastings, Minnesota July 15, 1976

Posted 8/11/21

COTTAGE GROVE Locals Mrs. E. W. Groth Birthday greeting to Earl Bortner, Beverly Gross and Mrs. Lloyd McHattie, who all share the same day for their birthday anniversary, July 19th. The evening of …

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45 Years Ago THE HASTINGS GAZETTE Hastings, Minnesota July 15, 1976


COTTAGE GROVE Locals Mrs. E. W. Groth Birthday greeting to Earl Bortner, Beverly Gross and Mrs. Lloyd McHattie, who all share the same day for their birthday anniversary, July 19th.

The evening of July 4th Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Kohls and Michelle, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Meyer and daughter, Duane Meyer were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Meyer. They viewed the area fireworks displays from the Meyer hillside.

Visitors at our home Sunday evening were Betty and Roger Fritsche. We enjoyed playing a few games of pinocle. The ladies won.

LANGDON Locals Lucille E. Hadberg 459-**** Mary Lynn Fox, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willis Fox returned to her home in Cordova, Ill., on Tuesday after spending a month at the Roger Moritz home.

Bill Tibbitts and Armond Selander of River Falls, Wis., were Wed. callers at the Ed Hadberg home.

Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Moritz were callers at the Roger Moritz home on Wed. evening.

60 Years Ago THE REPORTER Serving St. Paul Park, Newport, Thompson Grove, Woodbury Hts.

July 28, 1961 He Seeks Adventure On Roof Of House ST. PAUL PARK—Little Jeffrey Jensen is about like any other 2-year-old boy— full of curiosity and the spirit of adventure.

Btu Tuesday evening, Jeff’s curiosity nearly proved the undoing for mom and dad. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Jensen of…13th Avenue.

Mrs. Jensen turned her back for a moment and Jeff was gone as quick as you can say, “new house.”

Incidentally, that’s where Jeff was.

On the roof of a new house being built near the Jensen’s.

On the highest part of the roof of a split-level, calm as anything, surveying the neighborhood from a real neat place.

Daddy Elmer quickly mounted the ladder workmen had so nicely left for Jeff as neighbors surrounded the house with arms outstretched, hoping the 2-year-old wouldn’t decide to take the quick way down.

There were some mighty relieved adults when Jeff and daddy came down the ladder. Jeff? He thought it was kind of fun.

Thompson Grove Street Party Termed Success (Pictures with story) THOMPSON GROVE— The Thompson Grove Athletic Association Auxiliary’s first annual street dance and party went on like clockwork last Saturday evening with only a few slight rain splashes marring the festivities.

The party, conducted outside the Country Club, was deemed a “smash financial success” by committee – chairwoman Mrs. Peggy Ludwig. All proceeds are going to the Athletic Program

With one eye on the clouds and another on beverages and cards the crowd, estimated at over three hundred, danced to the music of Gordy Steven’s orchestra from nine until one.

Climaxing the evening was the awarding of the free house painting job give away by the T. G. A. A. The lucky winner was M. B. Lamb of 433 Butternut in the Grove. Lamb selected the $50 cash award because his home had recently been painted.

During the evening the president of the Athletic Association, Bill Gongoll, presented, on behalf of the Auxiliary and the Association, a corsage to Mrs. Ludwig for her outstanding work in handling all the details of the party.

106 Years Ago WASHINGTON COUNTY JOURNAL “Independent and Impartial” August 6, 1915 Mariana Shocked Joseph Mariana, aged 28 years old and employed by the Consumers Power Company, was severely injured by an electric wire about 11 o’ clock Sunday morning.

He was working with a crew of men putting in a new electrical transformer at the state prison. It was very warm in the room in which the men were working. Mr. Mariana leaned against an electrical wire, charged heavily with electricity. His shoulder came in contact with a live wire and the current passed out of his right foot, blistering the big toe, and the one next to it. Fellow employees pulled him away from the wiring, he was unconscious for some time, but was sufficiently revived to be taken

Territorial Dispatch SAINT CROIX UNION Stillwater, Minnesota August 1, 1856 [For the St. Croix Union] Freemont’s Address to the Free Soilers As Received by Clothesline Telegraph Most potent, grave, and reverend sovereigns, My very noble and approved good masters, That I have ta’en away old Benton’s daughter It is most true; true, I have married her: The very had and front of my pretending To Presidential honors at your hands Has this extent, no more. Rude am I in my speech, And therefore little shall I grace my cause, In speaking for myself. Yet, in addition I will a round unvarnished tale deliver Of my whole merit, how my life was passed, In moving accidents by flood and field…(continues at Stillwater Public Library, in the St. Croix room).