60 Years Ago THE REPORTER Serving St. Paul Park, Newport, Thompson Grove, Woodbury Hts. July 14, 1961

Posted 7/21/21

C. G. Board Passes Curfew, Arms Law COTTAGE GROVE— The township has curfew and firearms ordinances as a result of recent board action. The supervisors enacted a law prohibiting discharge of any …

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60 Years Ago THE REPORTER Serving St. Paul Park, Newport, Thompson Grove, Woodbury Hts. July 14, 1961


C. G. Board Passes Curfew, Arms Law COTTAGE GROVE— The township has curfew and firearms ordinances as a result of recent board action.

The supervisors enacted a law prohibiting discharge of any firearms on any private property without the consent of the owner or lessee or within half a mile of any platted air. Shooting of air rifles is also prohibited under the ordinance.

Under the curfew law, children under 17 are not allowed on the streets or in public buildings between 10 p.m. and 5 a.m., unless accompanied by a parent, guardian, or other responsible adult.

Also, children under 14 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian in order to use guns.

Township Administrative Assistant Carl Meissner said township authorities had a “little trouble” with juveniles— enough trouble to warrant a curfew law.

He said youths come to the area from surrounding communities but that “we’ve had a little trouble with our own kids, too.”

The town board also has agreed to assume the cost of paving one side of a street—a block long stretch of Belden Blvd.

Meissner said residents of the eight-home district called Panorama City had expressed the fear that they would be assessed for the work.

Across the street from Panorama City is a sector of Thompson Grove, where residents have their streets paved for them.

But Orrin Thompson, the builder, was required to pave only his development’s side of the street under his contract with Grove homeowners.

The supervisors also voted to pay constables Raymond Nelson and John Gollinger an allowance of 7 cents a mile when making official calls, and they authorized the hiring of two part-time employees to read water meters in the Thompson Grove and Thompson Estates Developments.

Is Newport Overpass Safe?

A layman to that mystery shrouded profession called Engineering has little to stand on when it comes to criticizing stress points, heat transfer or other things that concern engineers.

But when the evidence of bad planning stares one in the face, and that planning has caused a number of accidents, any fool can plainly see that someone goofed.

The point in question is the diamond intersection on Highway 61 and 100 at Newport. If the two are major thoroughfares now, what will the traffic situation be when the new Interstate 494 is completed to the north?

Since the interchange that brings cars from the upper- level 100 to the lower 61 was completed, there have been at least six trucks overturned trying to negotiate the tight turn on the southeast stripe.

It is fairly obvious that the turn is too tight to make at any speed above 10 miles an hour; especially for a heavily loaded semi-trailer truck.

The Newport village council, aware of the danger of the overpass, had asked the highway department to install semiphores or take some other safety precautions at the location without avail.

Luckily, no one has been killed on the cloverleaf to date. But it does seem strange that the State Highway department, an office that takes great pride in its safety division and spends a good deal of the taxpayer’s money telling people to drive safely, is unwilling to admit it made a mistake and to rectify it.

Truck drivers, it is generally agreed, are among the safest drivers in the world, yet six of them were fooled by the tight turn off Highway 100. What if the trucks had been loaded school buses?

106 Years Ago WASHINGTON COUNTY JOURNAL “Independent and Impartial” Stillwater, Minnesota July 16, 1915 Notice of Teacher’s Examination An examination of teachers for Common School Certificates will be held in the high school building in Stillwater on July 26, 27 , and 28, 1915.

Program Monday, July 26 A.M. 8:00 enrollment; 8:30 Professional Test; 9:30 Pensmanship; 10:00 Arithmetic P.M. 1:15 Geography; 2:45 Composition; 3:45 Reading; 4:40 Spelling Tuesday, July 27 A.M. 8:00 U.S. History; 9:45 English Grammar; 11:30 Music; P.M. 1:15 Physiology-Hygeine; 2:45 Civics; 4:00 Agriculture.

Wednesday, July 28 A.M. 8:00 Enrollment; 8:30 Geometry; 10:15 Physics P.M. 1:15 Algebra; 2:45 Physical Geography or General History; 4:15 Drawing All applicants for certificates will be required to pay a fee of 50 cents. (Chapter 557, G. L. 1913) At this time all candidates to teach in Minnesota, except those who have had experience of 18 months in public schools, must have completed a course of professional training for teaching, such as the state superintendent may prescribe. This is not required of those who receive a second grade or limited certificate. (Sec. 4, Chapter 557, G. L. 1913) E. N. Swanson Co. Supt. of Schools Next County Over 129 Years Ago THE ANOKA STAR Anoka, Minnesota Saturday, Oct. 24, 1863 Advertisement: Anoka Flour Mills This establishment has been thoroughly renovated during the past summer, and put in the highest state of efficiency.

Competent and obliging millers are in constant attendance.

Barrels Furnish and Flour Packed.

SMILEY & WOODBURY Anoka, October 15th, 1860.

Sheep Growing in Minnesota No branch of husbandry in which our citizens are embarked, has been submitted to more rigid investigation, of has been entered into with such prudent caution as this. All are now fully assured of success, and confident of being able to compete in the great wool markets of the East, or of offering sufficient inducements to manufacturers to avail themselves of our unrivalled water-power, and create a home market for our wool.

Our progress in this branch, as shown at our late Fair, during the last three years has not been surpassed in any part of our country; and greater strides will be made, we doubt not, this year, than in all the three years just passed.

War News Changes have been made in some of the Departments, and arrangements preparatory to vigorous and effective operations.

Gen. Rosecrans has been ordered to Cincinnati, and to report by letter at the Adjutant General’s office at Washington.

The Departments of the Ohio, the Cumberland, and Kentucky have been united and placed under command of General Grant.

Territorial Dispatches 165 Years Ago SAINT CROIX UNION Stillwater, Washington County, Minnesota Territory Friday, July 11, 1856 Land Sharks.—We stated last week that too much of the land in Washington county is owned by Land Sharks. We intimated that they asked high prices for their land.

Within a day or two past we clipped the following advertisement from a St. Paul paper: “STILLWATER LANDS” 800 acres, 3 miles west of Stillwater, will be sold at $6 per acre. One-half cash, rest is due in 12 months, at 12 per cent annum interest. S. P. FOLSOM & Co.

We consider these terms reasonable—so much so, that, had we money to spare, we would purchase some of these lands immediately. As long as Folsom & Co. continue to offer lands for sale, at these prices, thus near Stillwater, they cannot justly be termed Land-Sharks.

THE MINNESOTIAN October 8, 1851 Meetings of the People.

The opponents of the “organization” are united, enthusiastic, and confident of success. They had another large gathering on Saturday evening, and listed to some excellent speeches from Messrs. Wilkinson, Murray, Phillips and Noah. Noah’s anecdote of the black sheep we have referred to elsewhere; Phillips illustration of the Rice faction, by the story of “our old tom cat,” was capital, and Wilkinson and Murray scored the “organizers” to the very red, so that they twisted and squirmed like snakes in a burning brush pile.

Some were disappointed because Mr. Sibley was not present. He was compelled to return home during the afternoon, but promised, if it were at all in his power, that he would give us a “talk” next Monday evening. Addresses will also be delivered on the occasion in the French language.

Washington County The people of Washington have no idea of being defeated by the schemes of our St. Paul “organizers,” or any of their adjuncts. A mass convention, at Stillwater on Saturday evening, nominated S. Trask and D. B. Loomis for the Council, in the First District, and Jesse Taylor and Mahlon Black for the House in the Stillwater precinct. J. D. Ludden runs again for the House, in the Marine precinct, and, we believe, David Hone, in the Prairie precinct.

The Stillwater meeting, which was the largest ever held in the town, passed some strong resolutions, giving the “organization” and its editor “fits.” The people over there are wide awake and zealously at work. Old Billy and the “Sage” are running about, trying to make up a House ticket, but can’t, so far, get anybody willing to stand the thrashing. One week more, and their troubles