60 Years Ago THE REPORTER Serving St. Paul Park, Newport, Thompson Grove, Woodbury Hts. October 9, 1959

Posted 8/25/21

Four New Schools on Way 2,483 of 2,981 Say Yes TELL THE STORY (photo) – A lopsided pile of yes votes—1471 –cast yesterday at Oltman elementary school set the theme for a five to one $4 million …

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60 Years Ago THE REPORTER Serving St. Paul Park, Newport, Thompson Grove, Woodbury Hts. October 9, 1959


Four New Schools on Way 2,483 of 2,981 Say Yes TELL THE STORY (photo) – A lopsided pile of yes votes—1471 –cast yesterday at Oltman elementary school set the theme for a five to one $4 million school bond victory. The small pile (left) has only 160 no votes. Election official Mrs. Paula Harbrecht of Summit Avenue said more persons voted at Oltman than in the entire last election. Total vote from District 833’s four balloting places saw a weighty 2,382 yes’s and a skimpy 498 no’s.

DISTRICT 833—With the almost unbelievable support of 2,483 “yes” votes (and only 498 negative) school officials will meet October 15 to get their $4,000,000 new school construction program underway.

In an astounding turnout of nearly 3,000 voters—in a five to one tally—in the bond election Tuesday the green light was turned on brightly for the erection of four new elementary schools—three 18 roomers, one 24-roomer— and a hefty addition to the high school and Oltman grade school which will become a junior high school.

Citizen committee members waited breathlessly Tuesday night in the Oltman school cafeteria, and election returns were chalked on the board by School Superintendent Frank Fox.

First in were ballots from Cottage Grove. “Yes” votes totaled 63, “no ballots 88. It was an indication of things to come. In the 1958 May bond contest Cottage Grove had sent in only 12 “yes’s” and a slapping 178 “no’s.”

Then came Woodbury Heights and Woodbury Township with 402 “yes” and 51 “no” as compared with 131 yes’s and 7 no’s the year before.

The big breathtaker came from the gym floor above. It brought immediate cheers form the floors. Bolstered by a slugging Thompson Grove attendance the St. Paul Park voting came up with 1471 “yes’s” –almost more votes alone than the total 1541 vote in 1958—and a squeeky 160 “no’s.’ The Newport vote was almost anticlimactic with 547 “yes’s” and 199 “no’s.” A year before Newporters sent 410 “no’s” through the poll and only 141 “yes’s.”

Superintendent Fox and school board officials were overjoyed. Fox, visibly moved by the undreamed of results, said chokingly he’d never in his life received such a public vote of confidence.

He said, “It’s with a great deal of gratitude I view these results and it is pleasurable to know the bulk of our new public and a sound portion of our long time community residents desire adequate facilities for their youngsters and grandchildren.”

TGHA Endorses Constitution Amendment THOMPSON GROVE— An amendment to the village constitution has been endorsed by the TG Home Owner’s Assn. and given complete approval, according to a circular distributed by the executive board of TGHA.

Originator of amendment was not identified by the TGHA.

Article No. 3, Section 1 would be amended as follows: All matters of concern to the community of Thompson Grove shall be voted on by written ballot, at a designated location between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and *:00 p.m.

A polling committee of ten members shall be selected on a volunteer basis to conduct said election. This committee shall also provide absentee ballots for those unable to be present on the voting date.

Absentee ballots may be obtained seven days prior to election date.

Ballots shall be retained by said committee thirty days after election date.”

Muddy Parkers Plop Irish 24-0, 17 Straight Wins For the 3rd straight week the Parkers played in a rain storm and mudded to a 24-0 victory over the Fighting Irish of Rosemount, This victory extended the Park skein to 17.

The first quarter was but minutes old when Gary Bestal electrified the crowd by breaking loose over tackle and speeding 80 yards to score. The Parker joy, however, was changed to sadness when an official detected… holding on the play and called the play back.

The game went scoreless until midway in the 2nd period when Terry Hartman handed off to Bestel who scampered 36 yards for the touchdown.

In the 3rd quarter on the 1st offensive play of the Park, Gary Bestel swung wide around right end, cut down the sidelines and scored on a 48-yeard jount.

Following the kick off a Rosemount pass was intercepted by Gary Bestel who returned it 8 yards to the 18. Axelrod failed to gain and then Terry Hartman pitched a 6-yeard pass to Bruce Schottmueller who evaded 2 tacklers and raced 12 yards to score.

The final touchdown was made by Gary Bestel who took a hand off from Gary Hennen and outraced the Rosemount secondary to go 49 yards for the touchdown. The Parkers had 224 yards rushing and 18 yards passing for a total of 242 yards from scrimmage while Rosemount had 130 yards rushing and failed to complete a pass in 3 attempts.

The Park completed 2 passes in 5 attempts.

This win placed the Parkers in a two-way tie with Mahotmedi in the Little Six Conference. The Park is also in a three-way tie in the Skyline with Spring Lake Park and Mahtomedi.

Friday, October 9 is the Parker homecoming with the strong Spring Lake Park team invading St. Paul Park for an 8 o’clock game.

76 Years Ago THE PRESCOTT JOURNAL Prescott, Wisconsin August 2, 1945 Local and Personal The tavern owners of Baldwin are closing their places of business. On Sunday. The reason is the shortage of help and beer.

91 Years Ago THE PRESCOTT JOURNAL Prescott, Wisconsin August 14, 1930 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Amy and children of Washington county visited at the Edward Cotter home Sunday.

Mrs. John Norton and Miss Grace Foley and Mrs. Connelly of New Richmond spent Tueday at the Edward Cotter home.

Fred and Miss Tena Endorf and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Benson and son motored to St. Croix Beach Sunday.

106 Years Ago WASHINGTON COUNTY JOURNAL “Independent and Impartial.”

August 6, 1915 HICKS, CONSCIENCE PRISONER IS FREE Owned Up In Bowery Mission He Was Fugitive New York—Robert E. Hicks, owner of a printing shop at 638 Hudson street, who startled his friends by confessing at a Bowery mission meeting one Sunday in June that he was a fugitive from justice and intended to give himself up so that he could square accounts with the government by serving a term of ten months to which he was sentenced thirteen years ago for misusing the mail was discharged from the (Blackwell Island Penitentiary).

NOTE: Hicks confessed after his work at the Mission brought him into contact with an ex-con, while he himself was then “a fugitive from justice,” as he put it. A former “periodic drunkard,” he was released and went on to Chicago to build anew.

120 Years Ago The Mirror Published by the inmates of the Stillwater Penitentiary.

Stillwater, Minnesota August 8, 1901 In behalf of the inmates of this prison, The Mirror desires to thank the ladies of the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union for their kindness in bringing music and flowers to us last Sunday. It is a kindness that springs from the hear, and it is fully appreciated by the recipients.

The Mirror is in receipt of the following letter from Mrs. Carrie Nation, who was serving a sentence in the Topeka jail for joint smashing at the time it was written: “Dear Fellow Prisoners:— Just this morning I found out that the Mirror is edited by the prisoners in Stillwater. I am struck with the enterprise. I smell the smoke of a vile cigarette, furnished by the officers to the prisoners for money, and hear the blasphemy of both officers and prisoners. It is a shame that nothing is done to raise these poor men behind the bars, but the devil’s business is to drag men down and his forces are not divided.

“I am in this iron cell because of my persistence in doing something to help the sinner’s friend save the world. This is my mission. God bless and help every poor soul behind your bars to look up.

(Hymn) In the tempest of life where the wave and the gale, Are around and about, if thy footing should fall, If thine eye should grow dim and thy courage depart, Look aloft and be firm and be faithful of heart.”

Carrie Nation—in bonds for your sake.

“N. B. I like your paper.”

We are grateful to Mrs. Nation for her interest in us and our paper, and learned with pleasure of her release from custody a few days ago.

News from Upriver 134 Years Ago Echo de L’Ouest (Western Echo) Motto: “Fais ce que dois, Advienne que pourra” Minneapolis, Minnesota Thursday, August 11, 1887 To Advertisers: The Echo de l’Ouest has a larger circulation than any French paper published in the Northwest.

It is three times as large as any French paper published in the city of Minneapolis.

EUROPE update Le cholera has made 602 victimes at Cantania, Italy during the month of July.

165 Years Ago Territorial Dispatch SAINT CROIX UNION Stillwater Minnesota August 8, 1856 Stillwater Business Directory Gold T. Curtis, Attorney and Counsellor at law, Stillwater, Minn. Territory A. C. Bryant, Attorney and Counsellor at law, office over M. Johnson’s jewelry Store, Stillwater, Minnesota Territory Dr. Alfred Muller, Phyisician and Surgeon, Office South Corner of Lake House, Stillwater, Minn. Territory Still further back 170 Years Ago THE DAKOTA FRIEND/ DAKOTA TAWAXITKU August 1851 Matthew – Chapter 7 Marpiya ekta woyuha kihnaka po.

7:19 Marpiya akan woyuha kihnakapi xni po; ecin hen wamduxkadan qa gi kin hena on kuka aye ca, wamanupisa kin ix yurdo kapi qa manupi ece.

7:20 Tuka marpiya ekta woyuha kihnaka po; heciya e wamdaxkadan, qa gi kin, hena on kyka aye kte xni, qa wamanupisa kin manupi kte xni.

7:21 Hecen woyuha nitawa tukten niciyanka hecinhan, nicante kin ix eya hen un kta.

To the Editor of the Dakota Friend: CROW’S VILLAGE July 19, 1851 SIR:—I hasten to communicate what I am sure will be interesting to you and all well wishers of the Indians, and I hope so to the Indians themselves: the second man of this village has at length declared himself in favor of education.

Yesterday about noon, two young men named Nonpaheche and Rdarda, were playing on Grey Cloud Island, and foolishly firing at each other with powder. Rdarda became irritated and hastily throwing some gravel on top of his load of powder immediately discharged his gun and wounded his companion in the thigh, breaking the bone. The wounded youth was brought home, and remains in a very dangerous state. On his arrival in the village, the inhabitants rushed to the canoe, and Wakanojanjan seized the opportunity to address the young people in a very impressive manner. He said to them: “You see before you the consequence of our young men spending their time idly. How much beter would it have been if these young people, and all of you, had been at school learning something good, this accident would not have happened. But I speak not to the young men alone. You, young women, would be sure to do much more good if you would go to school, and learn to read and work, instead of wasting your time in foolishness.”

As this is the first instance, (as far as I know,) in which any of the Indians have openly approved of education, I think it important to make it known, as it may have a good effect upon other Indians, and must be gratifying to all the Dakota Tawaxitku.

Yours, & c.

Wanske Young Men.

It appears from a late number of the Choctaw Intelligencer, that by their law, a white man is not allowed to take a Choctaw woman, till he has resided among them two years; after which time young white men of good morals may marry one of their girls, and by so doing he is presented with a farm, which he is permitted to select himself. On such terms young men are invited to go among them and become citizens of the Republic. The girls are represented as being educated and in every way well qualified to manage household affairs. What is California to that?

With a similar law among the Indian tribes of Minnesota, how the tide of immigration would roll over our rich territory. The clause requiring two year’s residence before taking a companion, is particularly needed here.

Dakota and English.

Mihihna – my husband; Nihihna – thy husband; Hihnaku – her husband.

Masculine: Misonka—my younger brother; Nisonka— thy younger brother; Sonkaku— his or her younger brother.

Feminine: Timdo—my elder brother; Nitimdo—thy elder brother; Timdoku—her

elder brother.