62 Years Ago THE ….

Posted 9/29/21

62 Years Ago THE REPORTER Serving St. Paul Park, Newport, Thompson Grove, and Woodbury Hts. November 20, 1959 Thompson Grover Bashes TGHA and Reporter It is easy to understand why Mrs. Barrett feels …

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62 Years Ago THE ….


62 Years Ago THE REPORTER Serving St. Paul Park, Newport, Thompson Grove, and Woodbury Hts.

November 20, 1959 Thompson Grover Bashes TGHA and Reporter It is easy to understand why Mrs. Barrett feels the way she does. Anyone who has been to some of the TGHA (Thompson Grove Homeowner’s Association) meetings can easily see the apparent disconnect prevalent among the homeowners themselves.

This is not, as some may say, “Just Growing Pains.” Instead, it is the result of the majority of the community not having fair representation or any voice in an association that is supposedly representing them and deals on their behalf in matters concerning them and theirs.

Mrs. Barrett is, I believe, perfectly justified in resenting the Reporter’s apparent favoritism to an association that does not represent all of us.

In spite of your repeated denials one has only to read your coverage of TGHA and its activities over the past few months to see which way you lean.

In conclusion I would like to bring up this one point: It has often been heard in connection with the top brass of TGHA that the so called educated few should decide for the community and tell the masses what is good for them and what to do.


Disgusted EDITOR’S REPLY: See today’s Editorial. Editorials T. Grove Conflict Unhealthy The Reporter is obviously caught in the middle of a quarrel it had no intention of either approaching or contributing to. But as long as we have been challenged, we won’t duck out (See Mail Bag – Disgusted).

As news policy goes the Reporter will reflect the activities and accomplishments of community organizations.

The Reporter has faithfully contacted TGCA people—Mr. Adi Khambata in particular— each week for news. He has commented, “Don’t call us, we’ll call you” or words to that effect.

On the other hand TGHA seems to be digging into community problems and doing things. These things we observe, and report.

No one in TGHA tells the Reporter how or what to write. We review the news as our news staff sees it.

We hold allegiance only to God, the Constitution, and the right to show a profit at the end of the year, with the latter being at times the most difficult.

If Disgusted will review his Reporters and Suburban Life copies, he will see a sincere attempt to interpret Thompson Grove, its problems and the development of both groups.

When wrangling between the groups became senseless, the issues clouded and communication with TGCA denied us, we dropped the whole thing.

Since then we’ve been getting letters from several persons on the philosophical misconduct of TGHA leaders.

The burden of proof, at least in this country, is supposed to be on the accusers…However, we are a little surprised the TGH’ers haven’t yet answered the charges against them. Perhaps they don’t want to give the complaints the dignity of an answer, perhaps they don’t want to answer for other reasons. We don’t know.

Mail Bag

Schmegal Says Commissioner’s Uninterested EDITOR: As chairman of the Washington County Friends of the Library, I should like your readers to be informed of the activities of the organization and its purpose.

We are made up of people interested in the promotion of better library service throughout Washington county. As the county is in great part a rural area, this means the promotion of bookmobile service.

There is no county library. The books circulated by the bookmobile come from the Carnegie endowed Library in Stillwater, which was a gift to the city, and is maintained by an extra tax levied upon the people of the city for that purpose…It would be unreasonable to expect the people of Stillwater to enlarge their library facilities for the benefit of the county at large unless a regular fund were allowed for this purpose…the bookmobile we now have was purchased from the regular library budget, by the scrimping and saving of the Stillwater library board and employees.

We are fortunate indeed to have the bookmobile, even though it is now inadequate and outdated.

The librarians on the bookmobile go junketing about the length of the county, sitting on boxes of books in the back end of the truck. The books must be carried in boxes because there is not enough shelf room.

When the truck made its first trips through the county, there were about two hundred books circulated by it, and now with the same staff and facilities, between five and six thousand books are circulated.

The Friends of the Library meet only twice a year, in the spring at Stillwater, and in the fall in some other part of the county. Because we are most interested in bettering our library service, we ask the county commissioners to attend each of these meetings.

Once in a while one or another will come. It was felt that it was most necessary for the commissioners to attend our last meeting which took place at Cottage Grove October 20. The secretary of the Friends wrote letters to each of them urging them to attend so they could be made aware of the growing interest in the movement, and the number of people who are interested, as the need is especially great now. The letters were followed by double postal cards—half to be returned for reservations.

These were sent to Don Cafferty who sent regrets, to Ralph Otte who did not even acknowledge, to Iver Pederson, who sent regrets, and to Arthur Shaefer and Robert Wright, neither of whom acknowledged.

One would think that as servants of the people, elected servants no less, the commissioners might feel some concern for the wishes of the people.

Because we were unable to present our case directly to the Commissioners, we did the next best thing. A committee was appointed to look into means of fundraising, and also to draw up a long term plan of action to be presented to the Stillwater library board for their approval or revision, and finally to be taken to the commissioners.

It is felt that perhaps, they will then realize that a need exists.

In thickly populated places such as Woodbury Heights or Thompson Grove it would be more efficient to establish a library room in the clubhouse or some other public building, and have a club or organization take over the librarian’s task, either with volunteer workers or otherwise as/seems more fitting in that particular section.

Thus the bookmobile would only stock the library, changing the books from month to month.

In this manner the books would be circulated more freely, and also if the community wished to start a library of its own, it would be possible to do so while still getting help from the county service.

In fact, many libraries are helped in this way at the present time. At St. Thomas Aquinas School in St. Paul Park approximately one hundred books a month are furnished by the bookmobile, with a volunteer worker, Mrs. Harry Anderson, taking care of distribution to the various classrooms. Other schools in Washington county get the same service.

(Thanks for a chance to present and publicity in the newspaper) Sincerely, Mrs. Chester Schmegal Territorial Dispatch 170 Years Ago THE DAKOTA FRIEND September 1851 Obituary.

Departed this life at Kaposia on the 15th of August, Argate Anpaocinxicewin, aged about 70 years. She was received as a member of the Church at Lac qui Parle, and baptized Dec. 20, 1840. She was advanced in life, having grand children before she first heard the gospel. From her infancy she has been accustomed to move over the prairies and through the woods, mostly carrying a heavy burden. She then learned to dress skins, cut up meat in proper form for drying, and make moccasins; but before she was received into the church, her sight had failed so that she was far from expert in the latter business. As she was not acquainted with any other business by which she could support herself, and have a fixed home, much of her time was spent in moving from one place to another; and she was never for more than a few months at a time in a place, where she could attend statedly to the preached gospel. Unable to read, she could not acquire much religious knowledge, and though she held fast her profession, amidst reproach, and persecution, she could not well be said to adorn it. Though poor, unlike most of her people, she was very averse to begging; and seemed willing, even when weak from disease, as well as old age, to do what she could to help herself and those about her. For some months before her death, she manifested much contrition of heart and grief on account of her sins. She professed to trust in Jesus alone and we hope she may be found at last among the blood-bought throng at the right hand of the throne. W.

Dakota relationship words Ate—my father Niyate—thy father.

Atkuku—his or her father.

Ina—my mother.

Hunku—his or her mother.

Micinkxi—my son.

Nicinkxi—thy son.

Cihintku—his or her son Micunkxi—my daughter.

Nicunkxi—thy daughter.

Cuwintku—his or her daughter.