A Look Back

Posted 1/25/22

26 years ago PRESCOTT JOURNAL January 11, 1996 Local officer engaged in fowl play by R. E. Herman Last Friday, the Prescott Police Department received a call reporting a Canadian goose by the …

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A Look Back


26 years ago PRESCOTT JOURNAL January 11, 1996 Local officer engaged in fowl play by R. E. Herman Last Friday, the Prescott Police Department received a call reporting a Canadian goose by the Steamboat Inn that had not moved from the same spot for over a day.

The caller asked to remain anonymous, possibly fearing repercussions from the flock (we all know what they can do to a sidewalk in only a few minutes) An officer was immediately dispatched to check upon the loitering goose in the high traffic, high profile location.

Upon arrival the officer discovered a Canadian honker suspiciously loitering near the restaurant seeking handouts from passerby.

As the officer approached, the goose sputtered and made threatening gestures, but changed his tune as the officer remained firm and told the loitering goose, “You’ve been here long enough and you better move on.”

After a brief standoff, the goose obliged the officer and fled to Minnesota before an arrest could be made.

Anyone knowing the whereabouts of this fowl fugitive is asked NOT to contact the police.

(Ed note: While we’re sure that the call came in out of a concern for the goose’s welfare, the circumstances and obvious potential for a cute story could not be passed by).

St. Croix River News 40 years ago PRESCOTT JOURNAL January 14, 1982 New Plan for controlling St. Croix River use heard Licensing of persons operating pleasure watercraft and control of the use of the water surface were two major policy changes proposed by Minnesota representative Don Carlson as member of the Lower St. Croix Management Commission held a special meeting Thursday, Jan. 7 in Stillwater.

No licensure is required for pleasure boat operators at present, Water surface regulations consist of water skier regulations at certain times and places, and establishment of slow and no wake zones. Modern Cottage Grove begins to rise Almost 61 Years Ago THE REPORTER Serving St. Paul Park, Newport, Thompson Grove, Woodbury Heights. March 3, 1961 Bill would Allow Consolidation of Woodbury – Cottage Grove Short summary: The Minnesota Municipal Commission is taking legislative steps for a bill to consolidate Woodbury and Cottage Grove. Based in Stillwater, attorney Lyle Eckberg said he had prepared a rough draft of the bill and forwarded it to commission members for further review. The bill, should it be passed, would allow for the two municipalities to merge and split the joined area into wards, the latter prohibited under township government. “It’s up to the people to decide,” Eckberg shared with the Reporter, “if the bill is passed.”

No Direction At Capitol, Says Lt. Gov. Short summary: Governor Elmer L. Andersen comes under five from Leuitenant Governor Karl Roivaag along with Representatives Richard O’ Dea and Senator Raphael Salmore for inaction and tax proposals. Sales tax rejected by meeting speakers, with “time-honored system” based on ability to pay preferred instead. “I believe withholding is tragically dead today in the Senate,” Salmore related.

Also in area news: Northern States Power (NSP) pays the first tax installment for 1961 to Washington County. Totaling $115,835, a total of $382,935 would be paid by the electric utility Officials for the Washington County Community Chest seek to adopt a resolution that would see the organization serve a smaller area. “We get no benefit from those contributions, yet our quotas are based on every person living in Washington County,” George Smart relates as executive secretary of the chest. Report is also made that finding representatives in the western portion of the county is getting harder, as most residents of this area work in the Twin Cities.

Organized in August 1959 and opening its doors on East Minnehaha Avenue, the Wesleyan Methodist Church was due to conduct services Sunday. With the first services conducted in the Beaver Lake elementary school under the Reverend Clarence Bubensick, the services on Sunday will be overseen by Reverend William Hotchkiss, in a project begun through the Iowa-Minnesota Methodists Conference.

Farming and small town items. 120 Years Ago WASHINGTON COUNTY JOURNAL Motto: “Independent and Impartial” December 27, 1901 The Christmas exercises held at the prison on Wednesday were of a most enjoyable character and the inmates found abundant opportunity to appreciate the versatility of Will H. Tomkins of St. Paul, who entertained them for more than an hour with comical stories, monologues, vocal and instrumental music, etc. Mr. Tomkins had a very bad cold, but his work was appreciated none the less, and many of the convicts account him one of the best holiday attractions they have ever had. Following the chapel exercises the convicts were permitted to spend a couple of hours in the prison corridors and at noon they partook of an excellent chicken dinner, served under the direction of Stewart Bordwell. The customary holiday privileges were granted in the afternoon.

Advert to get out and about: Tour of all Mexico Leaving Chicago, Tues. Jan. 28, 1902. Extended itinerary of forty days includes the famous Ruins of Mitla, Cuernavaca, Jalapa, Teocelo, Orizaba, Oaxaca (pronounced “wa-ha-ka), the Grand Canon de los Cues, Tampico, seven days in the City of Mexico, and Three Circle Tours in the Tropics. Special Pullman Trains for the entire tour, Sleeping and Dining Cars, Drawing Rooms, Compartments, Library, Observation, Parlor and Music Room, and the celebrated Open Top Car “Chililitli.” Leisurely schedules with long stops. All disagreeable features of the “Personally Conducted” system eliminated; no processions on foot or in carriages, no moving about in a body.

Best rooms at the best hotels, with private dining room. Tour under escort of the American Tourist Association, with the general manager, Mr. Reau Campbell, in charge of the train and tour, 1423 Marquette Building, Chicago. Tickets include all expenses everywhere. Illustrated literature on Mexico, all information, reservations, and booking at the offices of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway.

Back at home: Mrs. James Jackman, formerly of Washington County, died on the 17th inst. at Tacoma, Wash., and the remains will be brought to Stillwater for interment. The remains are expected here next Monday. (Memorial ID 114762060 at www.findagrave.com. Full name Mary Lincoln Gardner Jackman, born April 23 1825 in Maine) The following reports of the secretaries of the Minnesota state board of corrections, and charities made at different times, show conclusively that the Washington County poor farm* is up to the standard in the opinion of the officers making the reports. Readers of the reports must also take into consideration the fact that the secretaries always make their visits without any notification to the overseer: The Washington County Poorhouse was visited Aug. 26, 1898, in company with Warden Wolfer. A new superintendent has been installed since the previous visit. He receives a salary of $600** and the board of his family. The county hires two women to help in the house; also two men for the farm in summer and one in winter. The county farm is 240 acres in area. There were only eleven inmates, nine men and two women. As previously stated, the house was built piecemeal, and it was in a great state of repair at the time of the visit.

*A form of social safety net prior to the establishment of Social Security.

**A figure equivalent to making $19,680.14 in modern dollars, per www.in2013dollars.com.

170 Years Ago THE MINNESOTIAN Saint Paul, Minnesota Territory January 17, 1852 POLICY OF THE GOVERNMENT IN REGARD TO THE INDIANS The subject of our relations with the Indians is presented in a most interesting light, by the Secretary of the Interior. And the difficulties attending this matters and the new policy proposed by him, as the general policy most likely to promote their welfare, renders this portion of his Report specially worthy the attention of every American citizen. We, therefore, give his views at length.

The Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs will furnish full and precise information in regard to the present condition of all the tribes within our borders, and the natures of our existing relations with each of them.

It will be seen that the tribes resident in New York, and in the country west of Arkansas, are living under governments established by themselves, and making gradual advances in agriculture and all the pursuits of civilized life. Those settled in the Northwest are also beginning to assume the habits and occupations of the whites, and are living as peaceable citizens on their own territory. They have thus acquired the goodwill of their neighbors; and in some instances, where, by the terms of their treaties with the United States (meaning “federal government”), they are liable to be removed, at the will of the President, from their present abodes, petitions, numerously signed by white persons resident in their immediate vicinity, have been presented, praying that they may be allowed to remain. Under these circumstances, humanity and sound policy alike require a compliance with the wishes of the petitioners; and I therefore cordially concur in the recommendation of the Commissioner to that effect…(More on former government policy is chronicled online at the Minnesota Digital Newspaper Hub).

Also 170 Years Ago THE DAKOTA TAWAXITKU/THE DAKOTA FRIEND January 1852 To the Friend’s Readers.

The Dakota Tawaxitku has been kindly nurtured by the sympathetic words and generous acts of its friends, and hence it has outlived its days of infancy. With features improved and size enlarged, the infant of 1851, now, at the opening of 1852 goes out in the bloom of youth, to greet old friends with a “Happy New Year.”

The Friend is not disposed to push itself uncalled into the circles of the great but mindful of its humble origin, it is content to set down with the children in the corner and tell a simple Indian story.

We hope the Friend will always be characterized by open-hearted modesty and decided love for truth, good morals, and practical religion; and while its primary object will be to lead the poor Dakota youth to the love of reading, of civilized habits, and of the christian doctrines, it will endeavor to merit the favor of the good in the christian community. If it possesses faults we hope the mantle of charity will be meekly thrown over them and that it will meet with a hearty welcome.

The Sacred Dance. The most remarkable society that exists among the Dakotas, is that of which the medicine sack is the badge. It is the only generally prevalent society which is known among them. The Sacred Dance is their bond of union and furnishes the name of the society itself.