Almost 14 Years Ago SOUTH WASHINGTON COUNTY BULLETIN July 2, 2008 Summary Recount: Cottage Grove Lions take over Fourth of July fireworks in interest of keeping the celebration going Local florist …
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July 2, 2008 Summary Recount: Cottage Grove Lions take over Fourth of July fireworks in interest of keeping the celebration going Local florist Helen Emerson sells business after 20 years ‘Take a Child Fishing’ day at Hidden Valley Park in Northwest Cottage Grove Four day forecast: Sunny, Sunny, Sunny, Partly Cloudy Coaches answer questions ahead of the opening of East Ridge High School in regards to sports program Couple buys home with spherical roof on south side Norris Squares to grand open July 13th as Cottage Grove’s first senior living community 30 Years Ago SOUTH WASHINGTON COUNTY BULLETIN January 2, 1992 Summary Recount: Three new elementary schools opened in 1991 for ISD 833, at Grey Cloud, Bailey, and Middleton respectively Public hearing for possible improvements to East Point Douglas road set for February 5. Road reconstruction in view. Modern Cottage Grove begins to rise Almost 61 Years Ago THE REPORTER Serving St. Paul Park, Newport, Thompson Grove, Woodbury Heights. March 10, 1961 Pullman To Open Monday Summary recount: Pullman school is the first of four new elementary schools for District 833 in 1961, and will receive students from Langdon school “in rural Cottage Grove” as well as those from the north wing of Oltman. The new elementary school is due to move in at the corner of Pullman and Marshall Avenues in St. Paul Park.
As to the other three schools, they are Pine Hill, to be located south of Belden Boulevard, the Grove School on Belden Boulevard between St. Paul Park and a then new residential development known as Thompson Grove, and a Woodbury School, to be located on Upper Afton Road around mud lake. Altogether, the new elementary schools will add 80 new classrooms to the fast growing district.
DIST. 833 – Pullman school, the first of four new elementary schools for District 833, will be ready for students Monday in St. Paul Park.
In tax news, meanwhile, then Representative H. Albertson told readers that the potential new withholding system was “no cure-all” regarding the state’s tax collection woes, while Senator Raphael Salmore brings questions to the state ore tax structure as it applies to the Arrowhead region, being of the opinion that rather than burdensome, the mining companies didn’t want to pay their fair share in taxes.
“They have threatened us with the fear of competition from other ore fields in the United States, Canada, and Venezuela,” Salmore relates of developments up north. The tax bill for the Reserve Mining Company totals $2,365,000 for personal taxes, not counting others.
Farming and small town items 100 Years Ago THE PRESCOTT TRIBUNE Prescott, Wisconsin
January 5, 1922
Poultry Construction of Henhouse Location is Important to Secure Convenience, Good Drainage, and Right Exposure (Prepared by the United States Department of Agriculture) If your poultry is to be healthy, comfortable, contented, it will be necessary to provide a house having plenty of fresh air, (but no draft), dryness, sunlight, and space enough to move around without trouble. No particular style of house is adapted to any section of the country.
The cost of housing poultry depends upon many conditions, such as price of lumber, style of house, amount of floor space allowed to each bird, and so on.
Roosts usually are placed next to the end or back walls, six to 10 inches above the dropping boards, which should be two to two-and-a-half feet above the floor. All the roosts should be on the same level; otherwise the birds will crowd and fight to get on the highest roost. Scantling two by three inches or two by four inches, with the upper edges rounded off, will do for roosts with either the wide or narrow surface up. Allow seven to 10 inches roost space to the fowl, according to the size of the birds. Roosts should be placed 15 inches apart, but the outside ones may be within 10 inches of the edge of the dropping boards. Upriver at the Stillwater Prison 134 Years Ago THE PRISON MIRROR Published by the inmates of the Minnesota State Prison at Stillwater Minnesota Vol. 1, No. 11 October 26, 1887 Motto: “It is never too late to mend.” DON’T DO IT It is said that Warden Stordock intends to suppress the further publication of THE PRISON MIRROR because a paragraph slipped into the columns of a recent issue alluding to the Reed-Stordock squabble. We hope this rumor is unfounded. The paragraph was undoubtedly out of place in the columns of THE MIRROR, but it is explained by the publishers that the error was made without their knowledge, being the mistake of a printer….It is in the interest of humanity that the Globe appeals to the authorities of the Stillwater prison not to suppress the publication of this little paper.—St. Paul Globe, Oct. 21 Territorial Dispatch 170 Years Ago THE MINNESOTIAN January 24, 1852 Edited by J. P. Owens and G. W. Moore CLAIM ASSOCIATION If the Sioux* Treaties be ratified by or before the first of May next, ten thousand people will settle upon the lands west of the Mississippi before the close of navigation the present year. The selection and location of sites by different individuals, will be attended with all those conflicts of different interests usually incident to the settlement of new countries. The only way to prevent bitter feuds, and perhaps, in some instances, bloodshed, is by the formation of a claim association, or associations, which will embrace within their limits wall who desire to make permanent settlements and improvements upon the new purchase.
Two years ago, an attempt was made here to form what was called a claim association, the real design of which was to protect a few in holding the valuable lands of Fort Snelling Reserve, to the exclusion of the great mass. This we opposed in the columns of the Chronicle and Register, but avowed our willingness to uphold claim associations whenever the Sioux lands were opened for settle-ment— whenever there was a sufficiency of territory to be claimed, to enable all who were residents here, and all who might choose to become residents, to select for themselves homes. We believe the time has now come; that the end can be accomplished harmoniously by our people; and that lasting benefits can be derived by their acting at once, and acting together.
We wish to see no exclusiveness tolerated in connection with the measure.—It will not do for twenty, of fifty, or a hundred men, to band themselves together, proclaim that their association is full, and go forth to drive off, by club law, claimants already located, or prevent others from coming within a league’s distance of their pretended lines. On the other hand, there is no necessity that all who wish to make claims be embodied in one single mammoth association. The concern would perhaps become too unwieldy; and might, in the end, prove entirely unmanageable, just as the government of our country would, were State governments abolished, and the whole government concentrated in one central power. It would probably be more confederation of associations, with a central board of management, composed of delegates representing each association in proportion to its numerical strength. It would also be necessary for the different associations to retain within themselves certain regulating powers, such as the establishment of lines, etc. These matters could be arranged by local committees, without subjecting the general board to the annoyance of daily interference in such small affairs….It will take a long time, and a great many hundreds of people, to secure all the good locations between the Mississippi and Missouri, and from the Iowa line to the 49th parallel of latitude.
We have thus hastily thrown out a few hints upon a subject in which our whole people are vitally interested. Not only is it a matter of personal pecuniary interest to all, but one of moral interest to the good name and fame of the Territory as a political community. It should be the desire of everyone to see the lands settled speedily by an industrious and enterprising population, and at the same time to take good care that individual rights are not trampled upon—that special influence and favoritism be not allowed to crush the weak and unprotected—in short, that might be not allowed to override right. It is not in the nature of things to place every settler upon a perfect equality as regards value and eligibility of location, but as far as the end can be reached, it should be the desire of every good citizen to help accomplish it.
FACTS AND FANCIES To pass through the trials of a Minnesota winter, with the thermometer ranging at ten degrees below zero and downwards indefinitely, it is necessary to have firewood, and not in small quantities into the bargain. Now, this essential of fire-wood, obtained with a strict reference to legal rights, costs considerable money here at St. Paul. But there is a fine growth of ash, maple, hackberry, & c., just across the river, for which our good old Uncle Sam has just got through half bargaining with his Sioux children, and which, together with the land upon which it stands, he intends to appropriate to the use of his boys, now very soon. But the boys—impatient “critters”—can’t wait on his slow movements. It will be warm weather ere he gives them a full title; and they want the wood this cold winter. The most of them have no money to buy wood with; and knowing he is a very good natured old gentleman, they just go over and help themselves. His officers and agents tried to stop them at first, but they soon found it no use. “Manifest destiny” scouted the idea, and why not? What is the use of having a rich uncle, if he can’t afford to give his nephews and nieces of St. Paul one or two hundred cords of wood per day, in winter time? Besides, in the spring, when the treaty is ratified, he will possess the advantage of having land to offer for sale already cleared. And when the big trees are cut from the bottom opposite, St. Paul can look out some bright April morning, and see the first steamboat far below Red Rock. There we say “go it!”
Sawing is increasing in Minnesota, but not half fast enough to supply even the home demand that will be upon our lumbermen next season. There should never a foot of unmanufactured pine go below Lake Pepin. It is just so much detracted from horse labor. We are gratified that Franklin Steele, Esq., the wheelhorse of St. Anthony, has purchased the interest of Mr. Taylor, in the mill property, and will set four more saws going in the spring. A new steam sawmill has been completed at Stillwater. Irvine has started his new mill at the upper landing, St. Paul, which makes the third in operation here. The Democrat says a new mill of seventy saws is about being erected at Prescott, Wis., opposite Point Douglas.
*An alternate name for the Dakota, given them by others.
The Frost King has been “cracking down” the past week, and no mistake.—Thirty-six degrees below zero at St. Paul on Monday morning at six o’clock, and forty at Fort Snelling—mercury frozen of course. A twelve on Monday, ten below zero several places about town.—It did not last long, however. Next day the atmosphere was pleasant, and has continued so. Cold weather has been prevalent all over the country.