Dr. Glenn Vnllclta jieople. s^id. *c hit going. Ihroogh h (uugh hmo This is why III NlJWf IldíOI 162 I. Hlln 'IkT Filg….. . Hi >J ; i in 111:m i i.iil ■Ji ips lied Ifcw …
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Dr. Glenn Vnllclta
s^id. *c hit going. Ihroogh h (uugh hmo This is why
III NlJWf IldíOI 162 I. Hlln 'IkT Filg….. . Hi >J ; i in 111:m i i.iil
■Ji ips lied Ifcw Aiireik'Hiit. VHii «miproli^iid In 1I10 niichl poor Amtrieiibs. The- cú ¿ i af living iad|U5ieHiu oemiag for Amvriw.’# Tvinvvs in l.ir.arj. which is- ivpvrii?J lv (w S ‘J pt’rcunL uimIii hjy asmalL ba£ mI‘ mucic^. niHvhc.
AiKfi« hit tan thrwjh a hkl¿Ií i imu Aiwucwiiel«iT-nn si'pnrrtwl Tn^rnJs Hnd fami lj. divided -riiurJClnis ?nd look mxw our r?j(d ia. We’ve been inlc«ica«di»]lh poisnnmt
ircmi tc fliu Ttaotoglving TTi*s year ma^ta we ail mwld
rhawlc «ri i»«bc iwbi ¿Ailierlng^ ihm M io nwn -dlvìmi'ii.
Amen« Iw& uone ilirmJtJh o wngJh time, nwybt í^i(f
:niuri-:s und nen despereedy need T
dcalh. % iiiL-i ii-Miiv hnnririefelly viewed die morder afTrcnf^e Fhrÿd T'y s» MiiinfHpvli« ikiIìcv uilTr#vr ißd ¥PÎd -av »rvn- 1
liiiiIv IJCS llLe- ihùl .ni;. iiìmC.
wceceikmrt: lo'hift.ìs cnlitr crlws ¡mpiwiliii our nailon.
Ova thjCCö dWi fi orli Ceii/ld- 13 Iri America. Over 47 million of us have been sick Families whci (mvä lyiLfied kved anei don't need ee^b iiieiag ihoai llie hphIHìvs of Co^iJ-1 ï, Àmorivooe «îki lipvç «pmi wwks in hnspnal un ensacare UDiiKlmaw ihey are hmynaiem be *1ivç h<iwcvît. m dii m kti i?i amtki'b p^iiciçm h; nijlirmare. Ameririn^ bave debaied with each oc h ft o^er vaccin ildlK.iiS. inii:.k:., ¿ehoûl OJLd h IL; IH «a ^liMüi^.. Vt'ù Ihn y
WLubedOü huxLntswaïufl'er. CJue go-vis rem en i.'a fi^ucec hpvçljccn forlhcr^rp-inod l^aiipply mwwï W hiininy wtimploycd Amerwwe w*ich«d ow deg»«iMC lïom AtihinÉiran m huirur Wc -sryoï’sd nmcpip oorv?!*«* »boni ho«.'' w? should have leÍL, ihe eiiuing af aur depajture^ iivj ulieLbe-j <+>:
5Íio»1d 11 m ' o kn Hi all.
We enniinue hi srrygule with nasjn n Amedea, i'eaple ivho-lw^e eK|xrierii>«i n kiio* <be iwliïî’. Ar«iI of society we mus- 1 rise abov^e any rrd all r.±¡ or arlions diaL dir.iLi j.:-‘ oiher-s.
Penpl; paiiriii^ over our harder illegal lv. ir oneniïig ili uü ^inemi^.. hameleíiHÉhu;, ri<i Au ^.wii. ní «vwbditil ir«jcmem ind rn ira nie-, imik-rdable caLle.ge Luilion, unaílc-ndable hauiing. and iLuz^rdible nid a»m«Lunes uiidVúiübl# g.ro«ríos. .Aniriicjins ara con.- lac my 1 he firc uíjdrawiny, infh.lion. ¿íniceriM are hezominj ivíj norpj yna(Trirdahle fiic
hooks giving, prrived succesrfid, Govemor '.VilliLm JJudfixd ar^uiirad is ccMifsrsjry f'c+ji nnd i group a-f rta fiísdglmg colony'% MalUxi Acnadcifi allies, including the ^'amparioay ehiei 1u: :.i:..■:'.. Niiw rememhared os Ameriean'ñ “Itm Tin.iiL-¡¡i. mg-— ai'boiiyhlito ñi^nm^ihcmícives.pisy noi have uj».'d tbe- L e r u i i h e lime- the fsvtii val lasned far Ihroe,-Lcy c.
ThaL fen lauizi wirdc-r. must af tbe colonists remained ii 11 hoard ¡dieMiylloYt-erhhifi, wiiere diey suffered from ek.put^jr*. Érun.'!.' and uribnrjksof mnlayLous disi’iac. Onlf haliaf die Miyilowvr'K oficinal pusengenand crew lived la wf ihfir Jiivl Nf»' Enghn^l spring In M^roh» I Nr rvmuining sciik ri moved ashare, wbcne ibev received ana¿lonihamg 1.11c Irurri a member af che Ahena.ki inbe wh» yrueted ihum 111 EnyLish.
S^vc-ml days liler. he nHumed wich aialher Kilive
Amcríom^ SqoHni-u. ^«thptiIo> i«v£hl 'he Pilgrinw, whiít'ncdbh malnuLritii'n and illmr^s. huw lu-rukivalfLiim. eirraei hq from nwfrit trcts, cnich Ihh in At risers ^nd
avoid poisonous plants, lie ulsu hrlpi'd die scUkn liiijpc
m idliifiee- with The Wkmpanoog, a local cube, whieh wuu.ld ondon; fcr morv iNph F(i fwn and InjgicHlly remains coie of che sdlr t1 ». arm pies uf hurmony beLwceti E*^ ropefin colomírg -rnj Sylvie Ameficane (Ei^m Kivivry cwm)
I lie early s^aLers itü l jííl- ta Aiueiiea hiiiered. huic- so mach deach, sickness and sUnatonn ihey fowd a way tastefi jad«& fiioH g.ridlmde.Thc fhaiii.ldiift.and hiinkan*larian aid given ca Lher.i by native Amercan^ sland oul as-10 whai realLy nukes. Aiixnca greai. We iJl avecd ii: learn lake lime in he graceful, and do someliiing bn hdpuck mher