By Joseph Back “I ….

Posted 3/9/22

By Joseph Back “I wasn’t here for the 2020 or 2030 Comprehensive Plan,” Grey Cloud Trial resident Adam Grams said at the December 1 Council meeting at which the city approved a Master Site Plan …

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By Joseph Back “I ….


By Joseph Back

“I wasn’t here for the 2020 or 2030 Comprehensive Plan,” Grey Cloud Trial resident Adam Grams said at the December 1 Council meeting at which the city approved a Master Site Plan for the property known as Mississippi Dunes. “My question is, how do you go from R-1, to this?”

It would seem there’s an ordinance involved in the process, though this wasn’t the answer Mr. Grams received on December 1. The answer Grams received then had to do with market viability and the nature of R-1 zoning requirements, which involved individual septic systems for each property and were comparatively cumbersome.

At any rate and pending approval this March 16 by the Council, the former Mississippi Dunes Golf Course will be officially rezoned, pursuant to a proposed ordinance posted on the City’s website, number 1053.

Amending the Official Zoning Map for the City of Cottage Grove, Ordinance No. 1053 begins withy plat boundaries and parcel description, ending with the rezoning 228.09 acres of land as described in the ordinance, to align with the City’s zoning map. Rather than keep you waiting, however, or draw things out, we publish the ordinance below, with City Council meetings generally held Wednesdays at 7 p.m. in the Council Chambers.

We lay it before you here, in the case it happens to be of interest to you. Once March 16 rolls past, it won’t be news, or else new.


WITH A PUD, PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT The Gty OoltmH or U>e Cly o* Gottose Ohm, WaaNngton County Ninnatola doea ordain n


SECTION 1. AMENDMENT. The City 0[ Cottage GiOrt’i Official ZmirlS Map àt retor-

& n«d in Seulion 11-1 Ha orihe'Cotéa or iwCByof Cottila tìfo^.1 County «fWaflHnjton, Sia:!! uf Winaaaola, s‘ia’1 L-» a-ne-iued by lezorihy 228.D9 aerea ar a* iü eqallv ifeauibed uelia* fiOrti R-1, Ru-al RésidfflUal, ll)R-4, L& wDfeiiáitf Residential, w lh a PUD, Planned Un1De>^lapniérH,.

P-arsel 1.

The harTieast Quarta Lf the Nartheasl Guarler c¡í Sectu'i 31, Tawnshp 21. Range 21, Vftuiriurxin Cojrty. Mmésala.

Abatraet rr-opert/

Par tal 2:

Thè South Halt or ¡he souBieasl Qualer cf Sectoi 30, 10*1131*0 27, Ran^e 21,

Washington County, Mhnesota, axoapl Ita NorSi 603 real uf dhe Waat dOO feat ihereor

Abarrad Property

P-areel 3: That pajt -sF 1he North lidi d1 li t SoiJhnaíl Ouarler ol Sedisn 30, Tcv-r s-iia 21,

Raníííie WeilMnalon County, Mlmflaoía, I^íoü Easl -sf ifie V^bI -íDO 1aeí Uieroer.

tmoápi tr« i*ghHíi-rtflvortf>a'6uri'y{Hiw Noritaín ir#. That dart ^ 1ta SoüLh htìir or Iha Noithaa& l Quarlar oí aMlkm 30. Towf^lff 27, «sjíifií 21, WáÉhíisgiCjri c-awilv, MlfltaMta, lyhfi Eáaortnt’vtlmvoy dááúrbfrd ¡Iw.

CLuvivtíii O' w al a point on Ih» 3ouLh l¡n& od Iha No^ifí Hai eri iha Súui'ieasi Guh-ijbor 4aid Suciioi' 30 d¡alant2üC< latí Es-,si from lha Scuriweti cùmef el san: Nodi Half or àijuUwàii üudiiÉi. ii-hiiúií Nùrifi paralisi wih iha '//yti ira or said N& in Hair úf :ue SoLriBát-l Quale- IO Eh& h tullí lie if ^id Mwfi Htf ul SiXiÜ«aaL OüifWf; nente £aist Eüong s»d Ncrth line 326 fétt ViL-nca Ndiin V- í da^reas 30 rfitfuMS West 2ñú

'uvl k3 íki rm íUke; Iheñú Núrth 30 dvgrKs S3 rr njlm üisl 1SÜ FehL Lo ir ini ft Stska: Np<th 50 iltìgie^a 3IÍ snlrMl«-W^pl, 330 5 li»l lo «ií lf©n ijfi Bi?

Eaatllneotlhe Bfaafr'it Grey Gioud teiaí»dRoad tienes Norílioily ekín^ ^■íEaetlha1 ofsa-d raad lo Ihe Norlh line si & ald Sou^i Hall oí Nsrlfoaat Quarte^.

EXCEPT fri a-to I to wn a daaci^ai sropifiisa.

Ciii ürúh-H UiTuuad …….Nù. MS

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(í) ComfTi& ncln§ 3t 1hfi North^ííd- comer OÍ 3SMd Soulh HaH ijf NcrfliMSl ÍSJSfly'

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R^iíial i-

WI ttai port of the Hpti (S 1.2) Ot tta Kn>ritaaat Cjjahar (NE ira;- oí Section TNpfy ¡Mj, íi TownEhlp- tVanVaavfin (27] North, gì Ranfla- T*wníy-o*ie -líl) Weal, WaehinfllOfi CodMy, Minnaaoila. daaonbac as tolto*. lo-n*t Cotìir^artSiifl at tha-Ndrlh^tì tonìar ol aaid Soulh Hall ol Wo'liessLQuarflber. t>wnca EaaL on iha North

li ie ihtiittOÍ 45. A fcfl te- Il e wiLe1 Of OBo^fc Lane jì nw «mtablnhed ffwirierV ki'CfMTi as tha Grey Ctoud »arm Roiad^. Us being fie yo –

i! ufbeur niug of this Irad

to be iteKibed; lh*nce Ea& 1 on North line 31? 6 J «t: Ifierice Sojth 01 deiiiee