Commissioner Wright Grilled by TGHA’ers ….

Posted 10/13/21

Commissioner Wright Grilled by TGHA’ers By Bill Gongoll Special Reporter Thompson Grove – The Thompson Grove Homeowner’s Association met Thursday at the St. Paul Park high school. Vice …

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Commissioner Wright Grilled by TGHA’ers ….


Commissioner Wright Grilled by TGHA’ers By Bill Gongoll Special Reporter Thompson Grove – The Thompson Grove Homeowner’s Association met Thursday at the St. Paul Park high school. Vice Chairman Bill Penny presided due to illness of regular chair Stan Feldman.

The meeting began with a report from Washington County Commissioner Robert Wright. Mr. Wright, an 11 year member of the commission, discussed several topics of primary interest to residents in Thompson Grove.

On the question of the Belden railroad crossing he stated that to enable the county to change the signal lights from the now unused St. Paul Park crossing, the State Railroad and Warehouse commission would have to approve.

Letters To The Editor Khambata Tosses Short

Fused Bomb Dear Mr. Editor: Originally I had no intention of writing this letter but since you have chosen to drag me into this again I feel obligated to defend my position for the record. It may also be a good idea to present a few facts that may throw some light on the ugly situation existing in Thompson Grove. In view of this I hope you will print this letter without any deletions or alterations, preferrably in one installment, in spite of its length.

You claim that the REPORTER has faithfully contacted me every week for news. Mr. Editor, you apparently had the wrong number. Here is my correct number, GL 9-2079. I have been contacted by you only three times, the first by yourself, when I answered all your questions to the best of my knowledge and ability.

The article you printed in the SUBURBAN LIFE of September 16, 1959 bear ample testimony to this. On the other two occasions I was contacted by your TG representative recently. I don’t believe she can honestly say that I didn’t answer any and all questions she asked me.

You challenge Mrs. Gerald J. Barrett to state examples of news items concerning non-TGHA people submitted to you which were never printed. I don’t know whether Mrs. Barrett can or can’t, but I certainly can. On completion of the TGHA Constitution a copy was given to Mrs. Katherine Hauge, your TG representative at the time. At her request, I even prepared a short resume of this document highlighting the salient points.

When I met you and your staff personally at the Lions Club meeting on August 25, 1959 at the V.F.W. Club at St. Paul Park you requested me to submit such news items to your office directly, bypassing Mrs. Hauge.


You even deputized Mr. Dick Lodge to interview me right there and then and to collect a copy of the Constitution and the resume in case Mrs. Hauge’s did not reach your desk. Mr. Lodge, in a half hour interview with me, took copious notes. Next morning, he called up my wife and told her that he would not come and pick up the documents as planned since he had received the same through Mrs. Hauge.

Needless to say that neither the Constitution nor the resume, nor even an announcement of the upcoming TGCA Constitution reading meeting ever found its way into print.

I’m fully aware of the perennial newspaper excuses that there was no room for that week’s issue or it was too late. But I’m sure that it could have been printed in the following week’s issue if you wanted to. Months later it appeared in the column by your new reporter alongside the TGHA Constitution with a beautiful in between the lines plug for the latter.

As the above mentioned personal meeting, I also recollect how you directed a verbal blast at me for my activities here in the Grove at the same time extolling the virtues of TGHA and its leaders, one gentlemen in particular whom you claimed had been your buddy since childhood days.

And please, Mr. Editor, don’t ask for proof.

Two disinterested Lions members were also present. I hope your memory doesn’t fail you. In view of the above two situations it became evident to us that you were not interested in printing any items from our group in as much as it did not give favorable publicity to TGHA. At this point we failed to see the good in supplying any news items whatsoever to your paper. It may interest you to know that several people, including myself, decided not to subscribe to your paper.

I fully agree with you that the differences between the two factions could have been amicably settled by friendly interchange. WE certainly went more than the proverbial halfway to reach some workable solution, but had some very arrogant remarks thrown at us.

During the so-called negotiation meetings we had with TGHA, I invited several of them to my home on more than one occasion. These are a few statements thrown at us and which I shall try to reproduce verbatim, as far as possible.

Said one, “We have all the support of the Community. Why should we negotiate with you?”

Another readily admitted that they found some very desirable points in the TGCA Constitution which they would like to see in theirs and then added,” But we can do this without you. We don’t need your support.”

Another TGHA-er said at the time, “I don’t see why we are even talking with you guys tonite.”

Apparently the basis of their strength seemed to be the fact that at our Constitution reading there were only 23 people. In connection with this, the Vice Chairman of TGHA said, “Adi, you have the support of only 23 people, show me one better.”

He had his chance at last week’s TGHA meeting when the total support they could muster from their own people for an amendment they were attempting to adopt was an overwhelming 17 votes. There’s “One better,” Mr. Vice Chairman.

Incidentally Mr. Editor, I shall be eagerly awaiting your completely unbiased factual account in the REPORTER of this last TGHA meeting fiasco, reminiscent of the bar-room meetings which today entertain our kids on TV Western shows – particularly the procedural handling by the Chair. In spite of this we suggested to the TGHA leaders that we let the community be the judge in the matter and that their decision be final. Fully realizing that two opposing factions cannot possibly benefit the community, I proposed that we put both the Constitution to a vote of the entire population and that we accept the one voted on as the basis of a United organization.

We agreed to go wholeheartedly and fully support them off the people voted for the TGHA document.

We also assured them that in the event the TGCA Constitution was accepted we would continue all of their Committees and their work without any disruption whatsoever.

They flatly rejected this proposal, apparently apprehensive that if the TGCA Constitution were adopted some of them may not be re-elected to office. At this stage all negotiations were dropped.

In your Editorial you refer to the philosophical misconduct of TGHA leaders stated by several irate residents. Most people I believe would not care to have their names linked with any direct incidents which are likely to give them unfavorable publicity.

Should some of them become a bit brave and being a few of these incidents out in the open, Thompson Grove might become a mighty uncomfortable place for some TGHA’ers to live in.

Ever since this move started my family and I have been the focal point of a malicious smear campaign, some of which I’m in a position to prove started with some TGHA leaders. Most of these remarks and statements would hardly be printable but I may point out that my national origin seems to be the primary target of this campaign.

Many resident son the Grove undoubtedly have wondered what my motives are in this conflict and whether I have any political ambitions.

I take this opportunity to make a public statement that I have no political ambitions whatsoever and that I will not run for Mayor or any other political office when the time comes. I have neither training, education nor interest to be a successful politician. There are many people in this community who are better qualified for this than I am.

I am interested in the civic affairs of this community and to see that the organization that claims to do things on behalf of the community is truly representative of the people. As it is presently set up, TGHA is a gross misrepresentation of this principle.

If their organizational meeting on July 2 had been run on an even keel with even a remote semblance of fair play, I would not have raised a single objection and would have been on the TGHA team, probably as an obscure member of some committee doing my two cents worth.

When asked about their political intentions, one of the TGHA Board members told me that he had none whatsoever. A few minutes later he told me that he planned to run for County Commissioner and next year and was apparently soliciting for my support.

The same gentleman said that when Thompson Grove incorporates, and according to him it was a foregone conclusion that we will incorporate sooner or later, “the Chairman of TGHA will be the natural and logical choice for Mayor.”

I wonder if the TGHA leaders would dare to make a public statement of their political ambitions the way I have done, How about it TGHA Executive Board?

In conclusion, Mr. Editor, I would like to commend you and the very noble sentiments you expressed in your editorial last week.

If you have faith in GOD and live up the ideals of the Constitution of the United States, I am sure you will have no problems with showing a profit at the end of the year, which, by your own admission, do not always look kindly on you. Thank you.

Very Sincerely yours, Adi J. Khambata Territorial Dispatch 170 Years Ago THE DAKOTA FRIEND October 1851 Dakota and English Dakota apa tatanka emedan wacinyanpi; The buffalo is the whole dependence of some of the Dakotas.

Waziyata ta ota keyapi; It is said that there are many moose to the north.

Dakota wanjikxi tarinea nom qinpi okihipi; A few Dakota can carry each two deer at a time.

Gatherings from the Traditionary History of the Mdeqakantonwan Dakotas.


While the English had possession of what is now Minnesota, and while they occupied a trading post near the confluence of the waters of the Minnesota and Mississippi rivers, the Mde-wakan- ton-wan Dakotas sent the “bundle of tobacco” to their friends,, the Wa-rpe-ton-wan, Is,si-ton-wan, and I-hankton- wan bands, who joined them in an expedition against the Chippewas of Lake Superior. Notwithstanding the great strength of the part, they found and scalped only a single family of their enemies.

Soon after their return to their own country, a quarrel arose between a Mdewakantonwan named Ixkatape (Toy) and their trader. The Indian name of the trader was Pagonta, Mallard Duck. The result of the quarrel was, that one day as the unsuspecting Englishman sat quietly smoking his Indian pipe in his rude hut near Mendota, he was shot dead.

At this time some of the bands of the Dakotas had learned to depend very much upon the trade for the means by which they subsisted themselves. At an earlier period it would have been to them, a matter of trifling importance whether a white man wintered with them or not.

In consequence of the murder, the trade was temporarily withdrawn. This was at that time a severe measure, and reduced these bands to sufferings which they could not well endure. They had no ammunition, no traps, no blankets. For the whole long dreary winter, there were the sport of cold and famine. That was one of the severest winters that the Mdewakantonwans ever experienced, and they had not even a pipe of tobacco to smoke over their unprecedented misery. They hardly survived. On the opening of spring, after much deliberation, it was determined that the brave and head men of the band should take the murderer, and throw themselves at the feet of their English Fathers in Canada. Accordingly, a party of about one hundred of their best men and women left Mendota early in the season and descended the Mississippi in their canoes to the the mouth of the Wisconsin. From thence they paddled up the Wisconsin, and down the Fox River to Green Bay. By this time, however, more than half their number had meanly enough deserted them. While they were encamped at Green Bay, all but half-a-dozen, a part of whom were females, gave up the enterprise, and disgracefully returned, bringing the prisoner with them. The courage, the heart, the grit of the Mdewakantonwan band might have been found in that little remnant, of six men and women.

WABESHAW, the grandfather of the present chief who bears that name, was the man of that heroic little half-dozen. With strong hearts, and proud perseverance, they toiled on till they reached Quebec.

Wabashaw, placing himself at the head of the little deserted band; far from home, and friends, assumed the guilt of the cowardly murderer, and boldly gave himself up into the hands of justice for the relief of his suffering people.

After they had given him a few blows with the stem of the pipe, through which Pagonta was smoking when he was killed, the English heard Wabashaw with that noble generosity which he merited.

He represented the Dakotas as living in seven bands, and received a like number of chief’s medals; one of which was hung about his own neck, and the remaining six were to be given, one to each of the chief men of the other bands.

It would be highly gratifying to know who were the persons who received those six chief’s medals; but although not more than one century, at the longest, has passed since Wabashaw’s visit to Canada, it cannot now be ascertained to which divisions of the Dakota tribe they belonged; it seems most probable, however, that the following were the seven divisions to which Wabeshaw referred, viz: Mde-wa-kan-ton-wan, Warpe- kute, Wa-rpe-ton-wan, Sisi- ton-wan, I-han-kton-wan, I-han-kton-wan-nan, and Titon- wan.

The names of this little band of braves are all lost, but that of Wabashaw.—They wintered in Canada and all had the smallpox. By such means Wabashaw reopened the door of trade, and became richly entitled to the appellation of the Benefactor of the Dakota tribe. Dakota tradition has preserved the name of no great, nor better man than Wabashaw… The Dakotas will never forget the name of Wabashaw.

62 Years Ago THE REPORTER Serving St. Paul Park, Newport, Thompson Grove, and Woodbury Hts.

December 11, 1959 LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Rosenfelt Raps Critics, Pleads for Cooperation To the Editor: This is a letter I do not cherish writing, but I fell I must do so to set forth a few facts made obscure in the Thompson Grove debate. I feel I must bring forth these facts for two reasons: FIRST: because over a year ago it was I who called the initial meeting of Thompson Grove residents to attempt to bring the people closer together and to study the myriad problems facing the then infant community.

SECOND: because I feel that continued friction in the community will seriously hamper our common welfare in the months and years ahead.

Here are some facts (from early Cottage Grove): 1. I called the initial meeting because I saw two small groups of people forming prematurely. One group was circulating petitions to have Thompson Grove annexed to St. Paul Park.

At least one person who originated this hurry up and annex movement is a supporter of the present anti-TGHA group. This same person was present at the initial meeting a year ago and during the course of the meeting repeatedly interrupted to put forth a motion that Thompson Grove annex to St. Paul Park.

He was ruled out of order and told the meeting was not called to take any such action pro or con, but merely to give concentrated study to both sides of the issue over a period of months. He insisted on having the floor, however, and to dispose of the matter his motion was recognized and put to a vote.

It lost by a vote of approximately 150 to 6. At this point most of the group of six stalked from the meeting…. (plan lettered A to N presented as way to go forward, including involving Orin Thompson, Thompson Grove site developer)…In concluding, I would like to appeal to the people of Thompson Grove to cooperate with each other for the good of all concerned, for as old Ben Franklin once put the issue to his embattled colleagues, “either we all hang together, or we shall surely all hang separately.”

W. E. Rosenfelt Resident Thompson Grove

December 4, 1959 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Letter Adds to Park Memory… Memories grow dim. The author of “A Walk in the Park: has forgotten that when Koukai’s was run by the Russel’s the free movies were shown on the south wall of the Odd Fellows hall and the field she mentions where the variety store and hardware stores now stand was the site of the St. Paul Park Baseball field. There were green painted bleachers and a ballgame on Sunday afternoon. But nevertheless, thanks for the memory. The town came alive on Wednesday night. Cars came from miles around, and there weren’t very many cars in those days.

The rest of us who were within walking distance brought our blankets and a nickel and spent two blissful hours watching the silver screen.

Mrs. Carl Rudich Ashland Avenue St. Paul Park, Minn.

Pee Wee Hockey Registration Sat. At School ST. PAUL PARK – Pee Wee hockey players are in for a treat this Saturday when a hour and a half long film on hockey fundamentals will be shown at Park high school.

It will be an organization meeting starting at 1 p.m. and all youngsters in the fifth to eighth grades from Newport, the Park and Thompson Grove interested in playing in the Pee Wee league are invited to attend and register for team play. Parents are also invited.

The Park-Port Pee Wee kids last year gained a wide area prominence with the excellence of their play and unusual method of coaching using older youngsters to direct each team.

Manager of the league is Jim Tapp of Newport, an ex-hockey player of exceptional note. Park Won’t Become Ghost Town!

By Bill Fastner During the past several weeks considerable newsprint has been devoted to the development of various shopping areas in the new areas abutting St. Paul Park.

In reporting these developments the Reporter naturally quoted some of the developers as to the effect these shopping centers would have on the business area of St. Paul Park. The result as one Park businessman put it after reading all these reports would be that ST. Paul Park would be nothing more than a “ghost town.”

I suppose those fellows are in the habit of making statements in other localities comparable to those made in regard to St. Paul Park. They undoubtedly have made them so often they are now at the point of believing them themselves.

My own feelings in this respect are exactly the opposite of those expressed by the developers. True St. Paul Park businessmen have felt a somewhat noticeable increase in business these past two years and, should shopping centers develop around them, they will experience a notable decline. This is only natural. Businessmen suffer that experience no matter where they are when new business enters their immediate area and is in direct competition with them. But to feel such developments will wipe them out is false.

We aren’t fooling ourselves. The governmental unit of the community, as well as its business people, know we can’t rest on our laurels. We are quite aware that we must plan ahead.

That planning must begin now.

It is not wise to disclose future plans but it is wise to let those in competition with you know that when the onslaught comes you are prepared to face it.

I have every confidence in the Village of St. Paul Park and its business community. Future developments will bear me out I am sure.

Only time will tell how right I may or may not be!