Council member LaRae Mills resigns from City Council

Posted 10/26/21

Applications open through November 5 for replacement Do you want extra work, loads of free criticism, and a very public profile all thrown in the mix–but also the knowledge that your name will …

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Council member LaRae Mills resigns from City Council


Applications open through November 5 for replacement

Do you want extra work, loads of free criticism, and a very public profile all thrown in the mix–but also the knowledge that your name will live on in history, potentially for good? If so, now could be your opening.

The City of Cottage Grove is currently accepting applications now through November 5 for City Council member, after former member LaRae Mills resigned, due to a move out of town. Mayor Myron Bailey was effusive in his praise of the outgoing council member and her contributions to the council through the years.

“LaRae has been an amazing City Council-member and advocate for our community!” the Mayor shared. “I can truly say I have been blessed to work with such an amazing individual who has the same passion and desires for our community as I do! It has been a pleasure to work along side of her over these past years of service to our community,” Bailey shared of Mills. “She has made tough votes that maybe weren’t the most popular, but she did it by articulating her reasons for voting the way she did in a positive and understanding way. Thank you LaRae for your service to our community! Your love for our community has helped make Cottage Grove the amazing city we are today!” Mayor Bailey closed out the tribute.

Following Mill’s final meeting October 20 and formal registration October 21 creating the council seat vacancy, the opening was posted to the city website for potentially interested parties. Those who wish to apply may do so at www.cottagegrovemn. gov by hovering over “Your Government” and then clicking “City Council Vacancy” on the drop down menu. Applicants will then be able to make a three-minute presentation to the Council November 10 expressing their interest and qualifications in joining the local lawmaking body.

Successful applications should include a letter of interest with resume and be emailed to city clerk Joe Fischbach at [email protected] by November 5. The successful candidate will then serve out a term of appointment until a special election is held in roughly one year’s time, on November 8, 2022.

In the meantime, there was plenty to cover for the Council meeting this October 20.

Starting out the council meeting action for October 20 roll call but the clerk, to which all council members including Mills responded.

Following upon roll call came adoption of the agenda, with motion by Dave Thiede seconded by Mills. Outgoing Council member Mills then made a motion to adopt the consent agenda, being seconded in this by Justin Olsen.

Among items on the consent agenda, meanwhile, MILLS

were the following voice vote approval items: ♦ Approval of the City Council minutes for September 15, 2021 ♦ Assessments for the Hadley and 95th Street Project , approving $3,010 per lot for the 79 lots in in Summer’s Landing 5th Addition.

♦ A fee table amendment to include the $ 111 per acre Business Park AUAR Fee under the Development, Miscellaneous section ♦ Declare costs and adopt assessments for Petitioned Streets and Utilities construction for Summer’s Landing 5th Addition.

♦ Sale of $3.98 million in general obligation Improvement Refunding bonds for a projected $287,422 on debt service interest for Hinton Avenue construction projects from 2013 ♦ A single occasion gambling permit to the Cottage Grove Chamber of Commerce for a December 16th raffle at the Thrivent Financial Community Room ♦ Open Forum responses to Harkness/Hardwood Future Development ♦ A Septic variance for 8401 River Acres Road ♦ Approval of a rental license for non-owner residential property ♦ The appointment of resident Ken Brittain to fill out the unexpired term of Commissioner Sarah Bigham, and ♦ Approving plans and specifications along with bid date for Pond Maintenance project Following the adoption of the consent agenda a motion was made Dave Thiede and seconded by Mills to approve disbursements (bills) in the amount of $3,483,301.95 for the period of September 29 through October 21. Motion carried 4-0 upon a vote.

Motion was later made by Thiede and seconded by Olsen to accept Council member Mills resignation, with motion then being made by Mills, followed by Thiede to adjourn the meeting. There being no objections, the meeting was adjourned.

In the meantime, there’s still that open council seat to fill given Mill’s resignation— and a potentially bright future to the taker.

Applications due by November 5.