Council packet gives Mississippi Dunes update

Posted 11/2/21

PRESERVATION OF NATURAL AREA GETS TOP VOTES FROM OPEN HOUSE The vote is in on Mississippi Dunes, and the results pursuant to the October 7 Open House, are as follows: In the first place, there were …

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Council packet gives Mississippi Dunes update



The vote is in on Mississippi Dunes, and the results pursuant to the October 7 Open House, are as follows: In the first place, there were 49 votes total on a log/nail poll ranking as taken October 7. So what do the people want?

Coming in first with 24.49 percent of the vote or 12 votes total is “Preservation of Natural Areas.” Coming in second with 14.29 percent of the vote or seven votes total is “Nature Trails.”

From there its a dead-tie between “Nature- based Playground” at six votes, followed with six write-ins for “no houses.”

As to tiered Seating/Outdoor Classroom, the votes were five in total for 10.2 percent of the overall vote on Mississippi Dunes and future uses.

From there the vote numbers decline, including three for “Boat launch” (6.12 percent), two each for “Boat/Kayak Dock” and “Overlook/Picnic Area,” with one vote each (two-percent a piece) for “paved trails,” “Canoe/ Kayak Seasonal Storage,” “Stone Steps to River,” “Four-Season Building,” “Less houses,” “Don’t Touch It, Leave It,” with zero for “open lawn area” and “Wayfinding/ public art” respectively.

From there a number of public comments ensue, many if not most also preferring a park, like Dawn Bremer of Cottage Grove.

“”Thank you for asking for resident’s input,” Bremer wrote the Council. “I have lived in CG for over 30 years and would like to see the land utilized for people to enjoy the natural beauty we have been given on the Mississippi River right here!”

The council is expected to vote on the housing project and connected 33-acre riverfront park sometime in December, once it makes its way through the Parks and Plan Commissions. The 12-acre SNA addition, is currently in progress.