establishing social distance between speakers). ….

Posted 12/29/21

establishing social distance between speakers). A Legislator’s Report O’Dea Supports Withholding Tax The battle over withholding is on again. For the fourth straight legislative session there has …

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establishing social distance between speakers).

A Legislator’s Report O’Dea Supports Withholding Tax The battle over withholding is on again. For the fourth straight legislative session there has been introduced a bill to withhold state income tax. This session the withholding bill is H. F. 1, the first bill introduced in the House of Representatives.

In the past sessions withholding has been a political football. The House has passed it and the Senate defeated it. This is despite the fact that polls show that 75 percent of Minnesotans favor this pay-as-you-go system of collection.

The prospect of the passage of the withholding system for collecting of state income tax grows brighter every day. When H. F. No. 1 was approved by the House Tax Committee, four strong conservative members including conservative Roy Dunn joined with the liberals on the committee to recommend its passage.

This is a good sign to those people who advocate the withholding system, for it apparently means the end at least in the House of Representatives, of the bitter partisanship which has marked the battle over withholding past sessions.

Many House members, both Liberal and Conservative have told me in the past week ends at home they have consulted with many of their constituents and found them strongly in favor of the withholding plan. This is confirmed by my own conversations with people throughout Washington County.

One thing people who pay their state income tax resent, and justifiably so, the fact that others are evading. That there are many not now paying their state income tax who should be is shown graphically by a student in 1958 showing that there are 125,000 more Minnesota Federal income tax returns filed in Minnesota than state tax returns.

The Federal withholding system is one reason for the difference.

Usually a person filing a Federal return should also be filing a state return. In addition, to those who just don’t file state tax returns there are those who file a state return but include no tax payment with it.

These are people who apparently just don’t have the money when April 15 rolls along. In 1960 we have 11,289 Minnesotans do this.

This has created a delinquency of $873,000 for that one year alone. This would not happen with withholding which deducts your tax returns from your weekly paycheck.

The Minnesota Tax Department now has records of 55,000 delinquent accounts; people who have not paid on or owe their tax liability in past years. The delinquency averages $62.00 per taxpayer.

If, as the department estimates, there are approximately 100,000 tax evaders in Minnesota, and everyone would pay at least the average of the other delinquents, withholding would mean an additional $6,200,000 to the state if all of the above figures could be considered reasonably correct.

Sheriff Granquist Affirms Statement On Delinquency Washington County—Sheriff Reuben Granquist showed no inclination this week of reiterating his differences with John T. McDonough, county probate and juvenile judge.

“I said what I believe and that’s it,” he said.

Granquist recently estimated that 500 juvenile cases were handled in the county last year. He suggested that leniency with repeaters on the part of some juvenile judges may be one reason the juvenile crime rate is rising.

Then, last week, Mc-Donough said his office handled 273 delinquency cases last year, of which 22 were petitioned by the Sheriff’s office. He said that if Granquist had 285 more cases, “we would like to know where they are.”

He said he wrote the sheriff asking for a list of the 560 juveniles Granquist handled last year.

The judge also said his office handled 215 juvenile traffic cases last year while Granquist’s office filed eight tickets.

He said juvenile crime is rising in Washington County but that “it is low in proportion to the population.”

“Of course juvenile crime is going up,: said McDonough. “We would like to go back to the days when. Juvenile delinquent was a kid who owed five cents on an overdue library book, but we know we can’t do that.”

New P.O. In Sight At Park St. Paul Park— The village is expected to get a new post office before September.

The U.S. Post Office department currently is studying proposals and possible sites for a new locations for the post office, it was learned last week.

Details have not yet been released but it’s known that new facilities must be ready before the lease on the present building expires in September.

“Nobody knows when or where,” a post office employee said Wednesday.

Mrs. Mary O’ Boyle, village postmaster, said the post office has been at its present Broadway St. location since September 1941.

The post office employs 10 full-time workers, including letter carriers.

The post office department does not generally construct its own buildings. It leases them and sometimes consults with builders for construction of a building to be leased.

In making surveys for new post office locations, the department usually anticipates postal needs for 10 years, then allows for expansion. The department usually seeks double the amount of space it figures is needed for the 10-year [period. Al the space does not necessarily have to be in the same building.

Said one employee: “It’s difficult to know, what an area will do in 20 years, 10 years, or even one year.” Farming and small town items 120 Years Ago Washington County Journal December 6, 1901 Brief and Breezy The International scene The administration says in effect: “Poor Cubans! We must help them,” and many Senators and Representative reply by saying: ‘Ungrateful Cubans.” We have already done too much for them. Between the two opinions Cuban reciprocity is not breaking any records.* *This was just after the Spanish-American war where the United States sought to annex Spanish possessions in the West Indies.

Local and statewide news Governor Van Sant of Minnesota may not be able to prevent the gigantic railroad merger in his state, but he is likely to cause the combination a good deal of trouble before he gets through with it.

The honor of unveiling the first monument to President McKinley, belongs to Tower, Minn. The people of this northwestern town evidently believe in doing instead of talking.

The smallpox in Newport seems to have had the politeness to wait until fashion had safely retired to winter quarters.

A STRAW ICE HOUSE It Costs But a Few Cents to Build One That Will Answer All Ordinary Purposes A straw ice house will do good service, if properly made, and the surplus straw stack of many a farm may thus be turned to good account. The cheapest sort of framework which need not be tightly boarded up will answer. The floor should be leveled up and a drain consisting of a trench partly filled in with stones dug to carry off meltage water. Entrance should be through a long passage with several air locks to effectually cut off air currents. All surface water must be conducted away from such a stack and hogs kept out or they will burrow in and admit air to the ice.—Theron L. Hiles, in Ohio Farmer.

HINTS FOR DAIRYMEN Those people who consider milking irksome will never make good dairymen.

It is not always the man with the biggest herd of cows who clears the most money from his dairy.

Gilt edged butter is more to be desired on the average customer’s plate than any delicacy of the season.

Neatness in Butter Packages A creamery that has a reputation of neatness in packing finds itself sought not only by the commission men, but by large grocers that want an article that looks well. This matter of looks, is especially important in butter that goes to homes of the wealthy. They will form opinions on the looks of things. Two packages of butter may be similar in quality, but if one is put up in better style than the other the buyers are prejudiced in favor of that package, and the eaters, if they have seen the package, will actually imagine that the butter is of better flavor. This helps sales.—Farmer’s Review.

— The dairy woman who churns before “sun up” in the morning often makes firm grained butter without the use of ice. Upriver at the Stillwater Prison 134 Years Ago THE PRISON MIRROR Published by the inmates of the Minnesota State Prison at Stillwater Minnesota Vol. 1, No. 5 September 14, 1887 Motto: “It is never too late to mend.”

HIS FIRST DAY Novel Experience of a “Fresh Fish”—Greased Galleries— Solid with the “Deputy Warden.”

Editor Mirror: I’ve come and I want to tell you my first experience. I came here against my will, but I was told it was for the good of the country, so I dropped all prejudices and accompanied some gentlemen here. When I first entered I was not so favorably impressed with the institution that I wanted to buy it; on the contrary, I’d sold my interest in the institution very cheap; in fact, for a mere song, and would have sung the song. My arrival caused no bustle or confusion. The reception committee forgot to ask me to sit down, but being accustomed to such breaches of etiquette—I’ve been out west, you know—I helped myself to a bench, when a gentleman came forward and asked me several questions, such as “your previous condition of servitude? Where did you get into it? How long do you intend to remain? Does your mother know you’re in?” And other biblical* questions. They were several men dressed alike and who looked alike. I could not tell whether they were aides de camp to the governor or railroad conductors, but as every one wore a substantial looking cane and handled it with such perfect ease, I concluded they must be very fine men and worthy of my friendship. They desired me to take a bath, which I did, and then after donning my new suit I took a clean shave and a slick haircut. My clothes did n’t fit very well—I think they were made for Jim Jacobs—but I forgot about the clothes when I got into the barber’s chair. He didn’t tell me how I should sit and unlike other barbers didn’t tell me long-winded yarns. As he placed me in the position required, by means of his razor and did no talking, I imagined that he was a deaf and dumb unfortunate. I’ve since come to the conclusion that his razor was dull.

*reference does not appear to be literal.

Next County Over THE ANOKA STAR Motto: Virtue, Intelligence, Order, Industry, Friendship, Unity, Happiness December 5, 1863 The Peter Poplar Papers Number 1 (Continued from last week) Take my word for that, because I know all about these things.” This latter remark he (Uncle Tim) always uses for a clincher, and I was determined to dispute him, right or wrong.

“Uncle Tim,” said I, very respectfully, just as you close a letter, at the same time the contents of it in your mind are just the reverse,” Uncle Tim, you and I do not think alike on Railroads. All you think is nothing compared to my notions. I saw the Railroad is to build up Anoka. It would be years before it would be much larger than at present, unless this road goes right straight through it.”

“Humph,” says the old man, “you are foolish in your ideas. Old men for counsel,” says the Bible.

“Granted,” says I, “but it don’t say all old men, and I’ll bet you were not intended to be included in that paragraph.”

“Now,” says he, getting excited, and that was what I was aiming at, “who do you suppose will go to Anoka to trade, when they can get cars and go to Saint Paul, and save more than their passage money in buying their fixing down there.”

“No sure, no such thing. Do you suppose the merchants in Anoka will see their customers do that? They will sell goods as cheap as they do in Saint Paul. People can live cheaper up here than there, rents are less, and all other expenses. And here is another thing, there won’t a log go over the dam to be seaweed at St. Anthony. They will manufacture all the lumber that comes down Rum river, and send it down by rail. And that will make business good, besides making a home market for all the produces now sold there.”

“Pshaw,” says he,” what will you do with the mills at St. Anthony? Where will they get their logs?”

“Get them by rail, I reckon, for they don’t get them by water very readily, particularly in dry seasons. Every foot of lumber can be manufactured at Anoka cheaper than at any other point, and our business men see that plain enough. They know they have the water power and other facilities, and you may bet your old head, Uncle Tim, that they will profit by it…(to be continued).

Territorial Dispatch 170 Years Ago DAKOTA TAWAXITKU KIN or THE DAKOTA FRIEND February 1852 Pioneer Traders among the Dakotas NICHOLAS PERROT No. II During the latter part of the seventeenth century, the name of Nicholas Perrot was familiar, not only thy the men of business, and officers of government at Montreal and Quebec, but also around the council fires of the Hurons, Ottowas, Otchagras, Ojibwas, Pottawotamies and Miamies. A native of Canada, accustomed from childhood to the excitement and incidents of border life, he was to a certain extent prepared for the wild scenes witnessed in after days.

If the name of Joliet is worthy of preservation, the citizens of the northwest, ought not to be willing let the name of that man die, who was the first of whom we have any account, that erected a trading post on the upper Mississippi.

Perrot, was a man of good family, and in his youth, applied himself to study, and being for a time in the service of the Jesuits,* became familiar with the customs and languages of most of they tribes upon the borders of our lakes.

Some years before LaSalle had launched the “Griffin” on Lake Erie, and commenced his career of discovery Perrot, at the request of the authorities in Canada, who looked upon him, as a man of great tact, visited the various nations of the northwest, and invited them to a grand council at Ste. St. Marie, for the purpose of making a treaty with France. Of mercurial temperament, he performed the journey with great speed, going as far south as Chicago, the site of the present city.

In May 1671, there was seen at the Falls of St. Mary, what has been of late, a frequent occurrence. Here was the first convocation of civilized men,** with the Aboriginese of the northwest, for the formation of a compact, for the purposes of trade and mutual assistance.

It was not only the custom but the policy of the court of France to make a great display upon such an occasion. It is not to be wondered at therefore, that we should see the ecclesiastic and military officers, surrounded “with all of the pomp and circumstance” peculiar to their profession in that age of extravagance in externals.

Allouez, the first ecclesiastic who saw the Dakota, face to face, and the founder of the mission among the Ojibwas at La Pointe, opened council, by detailing to the painted… assemblage…, enveloped in the robes of the beaver and the buffalo, the great power of his Monarch who loved beyond the seas.

Two holes were then dug, in one of which was planted a cedar column, and in the other a cross of the same material. After this the European portion of the assemblage chanted the hymn which was so often heard in the olden time from Lake Superior to Lake Ponchartain— Vexilla regis prodeunt, Fulget crucis mysterium, Qua vita mortem pertulit, Et morte, vita pertulit.*** The arms of France, probably engraved on leaden plates, were then attached to both column and cross, and against the whole company sang together the “Exaudiat” fo the Roman- rite Catholic service, the same as the twentieth Psalm, of the Protestant version of the Bible. The delegates form the different tribes having signified their approval of what Allouez had interpreted, of the speech of the French envoy, Saint Lussom, there was a grand discharge of musketry, and the chanting of the noble “Te Deum Laudamus.”

After this alliance was concluded Perrot seems to have remained in the country, and in a spirit of enterprise opened the trade with some of the more remote tribes.

When De Luth, in 1684, was making preparations at Green Bay, to go to war against the Iroquios, Perrot who happened to be engaged in trade among the Outagamis (Foxes) not very far distant from the Bay, rendered him great assistance in collecting allies.

We learn nothing of the subject of our sketch after this until about the year 1687, He was then in company with another Canadian named Bois-guillot, trading in the neighborhood of the Mississippi…(to be continued).

*The Jesuits were heavily involved with Christian missionary work among the indigenous peoples of North America, sometimes suffering for it ** used at that time for European descended men.

***A tenth-century Benedictine hymn