Jaime Kokaisel

Posted 10/26/21

Jaime Kokaisel “I am running for ISD 833 School Board because Education is top priority,” school board candidate Jaime Kokaisel say on her website at www.JaimeKokaisel. com. Positioning herself …

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Jaime Kokaisel


Jaime Kokaisel

“I am running for ISD 833 School Board because Education is top priority,” school board candidate Jaime Kokaisel say on her website at www.JaimeKokaisel. com.

Positioning herself as an advocate of common sense along with fellow candidates Marge Linstrom, Eric Tessmer, and Vicki Holst at www.voteforcommonsense. com, Kokaisel is “a wife, mother of two, business owner, and professional photographer,” with over 17-years in retail photography.

“We are at a critical point, with special interest groups seeking to replace our district’s excellence with divisive partisan policy,” Kokaisel says in an informational video posted to Youtube on the South Washington County Telecommunications Commission channel. Pledging to advocate for a non-partisan culture of learning and transparency in district matters including those related to the district budget, Kokaisel asks for your vote on November 2.