Life as seen from the Stillwater Prison 105 Years Ago THE MIRROR February 22, 1917 The Temperance Movement An Account of Prohibition’s Great Onward Sweep and Resulting Benefits to the Country Paper …
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Life as seen from the Stillwater Prison 105 Years Ago THE MIRROR February 22, 1917 The Temperance Movement An Account of Prohibition’s Great Onward Sweep and Resulting Benefits to the Country Paper Read before the Prison Chautauqua Circle, by Mr. A. N.
If some one had said a few years ago, that the time will come when the saloons will be wiped out, the answer would have been, “It can’t be done,” and many today are perhaps of the same opinion. But that national prohibition of the importation, manufacture and sale of alcoholic liquors is coming. No student of public affairs can fail to see that the onward sweep of prohibition movement in this country is not based on sentiment; it rests on the practical basis of health and efficiency…The chief organ of the distillers, published in Chicago, says: “We must get together and fight as one, if we don’t we are lost, and or business will perish in the great American desert of prohibition.”
French in the Twin Cities 137 Years Ago Echo de L’Ouest (Western Echo) February 18, 1885
Deaths Madame Alexander Legault, age 25, after a year’s illness, suffering with all Christian resignation.
Births In this village the 13th of the of the month, to Mrs. Theophile Beaudette, a daughter.
At St. Pierre les Becquets P. Q. Canada on the 22nd of January last to Mrs. Joseph Rouseeu, a son.
On the shores of Spring Lake just southeast of Grey Cloud Island 164 years ago THE EMIGRANT AID JOURNAL OF MINNESOTA City of Nininger, Dakota County, Minnesota Territory February 17, 1858 During the cold and dreary months of winter the feelings of men are vastly different from what they are in spring time: the outward influences tend to modify the inward feelings, and it is only by reason and faith that the appropriate labor of the season is accomplished. It is often observed how well some men thrive, and are always prepared for the necessities of each day. In them is combined the powers to work with the future always before them, which insures them their success.
It is difficult to awaken men under the stupefying effects of unexpected disaster, to see that their true course is to exert themselves to renewed diligence, and thereby mount above the common prostration, to become relatively advanced in prosperity.
In some places the effect of the commercial troubles just preceding the winter, has been to create doubt and distrust in the future—as to whether the activity of business will be resumed, and whether cheerfulness and confidence will again lighten the faces of those who had to endure the effects of the storm. Such hesitancy will be disastrous to many a hopeful town; many a person will have it to say that he neglected his best opportunity under the prevailing gloom of the past winter.
Our Town Charter.
The passage of the Act incorporating the Town of Nininger is another important step in our advancing career—important not as a mere matter of publicity, but as furnishing our citizens a powerful instrument for their own protection and progress. By means of it we can now proceed to grade our streets, improve our levy, encourage our schools, help in the establishment of our ferries, and attend to a hundred other things which no individual could take upon himself, and which nothing but such an act of incorporation would enable it collectively to perform. There are hundreds of non-resident property owners who have never contributed anything to our growth, who will now be compelled to bring forth their quota, not only towards ornamenting it, but towards setting some money in circulation among our resident population.
The Levee needs attention at once. As early as the frost is out of the ground we should be at work continuing it from its present termination at Emerson’s stone warehouse, northward or rather westward, towards ‘Basset’s Landing,’ and thence by the road already commenced up the face of the bluff to the town level. The condition of Clarke Avenue also requires looking to, as the spring will no doubt render it impossible.
The Town Charter now affords our citizens the means of working out plans and projects for the town that have heretofore lost themselves in idle discussion around the store.
Territorial matters.
A large number of the journals that were compelled to suspend last fall, owing to the hard time, have again been resumed. It is thus evident that business has begun to revive throughout the State. A deserved compliment was passed upon the Minnesota press in the Legislature, by a gentleman, in a recent debate on encouraging emigration; he said that to it, more than to anything else could be devised were we dependent in building up the country; and that as a class our progress were superior to those of any other State in the Union. It is evident their usefulness is recognized in the benefit they are conferring on their respective localities; and that usefulness will be according to the interest taken in it by the local residents.
Territorial Dispatch 170 Years Ago THE MINNESOTIAN February 21, 1852 Minnesota—We have received our files of Minnesota papers, and although published away up where many people imagine is “no whar,” they come to us filled with interesting matters pertaining to their Territory and with advertisements, which go to prove beyond a doubt that trade up in those regions is in a healthy condition. Minnesota is destined to be a fine country, and St. Paul will be a fine city one of these days.—Burlington Telegraph.
All very true Mc., but why don’t you send us your paper? It’s hard to do without it.