Modern Cottage Grove starts to ….

Posted 3/23/22

Modern Cottage Grove starts to rise 61 years ago THE REPORTER March 24, 1961 Area legislators look to show to fellow legislators and the state highway department that the Rock Island bridge needs to …

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Modern Cottage Grove starts to ….


Modern Cottage Grove starts to rise

61 years ago


March 24, 1961 Area legislators look to show to fellow legislators and the state highway department that the Rock Island bridge needs to be kept. To close the bridge would add double digit miles to driver’s commutes. Therefore, bills to make the bridge part of the trunk highway system have been introduced in the house and senate.

Free camp offered to area youths in exchange for an essay on “Why I Want To Go To Camp” 62 ½ years ago THE REPORTER November 20, 1959 Grey Cloud Notes By Mary Peek GL 9-19** Town Hall The new town hall is finished at a cost of approximately $7,000. After the many snarls which developed during the building, the town board is happy to have the project completed.

As in all building these days the final cost figure is somewhat higher than the original estimate, and as a result the heating installation will be postponed for a few months.

In the meantime Art Johnson is loaning the township a heater to use in the hall until the other heating can be installed. This offer is not without its amusing aspects.

The heater to which the township is temporarily falling heir, has been in retirement for—of all things—over-efficiency. Some time ago Johnson bought the large heater for his garage, and it was big enough to heat him right out of the building.

Meanwhile Dick Pinse, who had been storing a smaller heater, offered it for use in the Johnson garage.

Johnson accepted, and now the big heater comes out of retirement to the town hall for a job more suited to its prowess. Another example of town board cooperation and initiative.


In talking with Richard Mullen, I find he has done considerable historical research on Grey Cloud, and in the future perhaps both he and Ed LaBathe can be of help with some historical notes on the island.

One intriguing thing Mullen mentioned was that, contrary to popular legend, Grey Cloud was not named for an Indian chief, but for a woman. Must find out more about THAT.

October 30, 1959

Park Street Commissioner Marlyn De Forth responds to a critic named Mr. Peters who accuses the official of being against a “Better Road Program.”

“The point that Mr. Peters missed is that it was upon my continued insistence that this project be brought to the taxpayers for a vote, as I felt it was their money, we the Council would be spending and since there are many elderly couples and widows in the village who are living on fixed incomes, pensions, social security, and old age assistance I demanded that we submit the question to the village voters to decide,” De forth holds forth in a public self defense. “Many of the aforementioned people already are paying sewer and water assessment and just recently a $4,000,000 school bond issues was passed which increase will be felt in the very near future.”

Church news

The Dayton’s Bluff Christ church on Highway 12 makes plans to celebrate its 75th Anniversary.

The Newport Lutheran Church has a mortgage burning ceremony at their 10:45 a.m Sunday service The Newport Methodist Church signs a contract with William A. Schaefer Associate Architects, to study “the needs and possible solutions to these needs,” a promise being made to keep readers informed.

Pastor and Mrs. Ralph Lutter of the First Bible Evangelical church of Newport return from a vacation to Iowa.

Small town and football news 121 years ago WASHINGTON COUNTY JOURNAL October 25, 1901 The Football Outlook.

Now that the football season has again swung around ambulance surgeons and hospital attendants are preparing for busy times. The contests for the America’s cup attracted much attention from the preliminary movements of the various important teams, but now that the mooted question of nautical supremacy is disposed of the long haired, full armored fraternity will proceed industriously to occupy the center of the stage.

Prospects of strong teams in the colleges, while not particularly brilliant, may be considered bright and promising. Princeton, Harvard, the University of Pennsylvania and even that hotbed of pessimism, Yale, have give out encouraging reports as to quantity, quality and condition of gridiron material. Strong staffs of coaches are on hand at all the large institutions and they are gradually sifting the wheat from the chaff.

Western colleges are optimistic, predicting a successful year. The Universities of Chicago, Michigan, Wisconsin and California have when they term “unusually strong teams,” and the games already played evidence that there is foundation for the assertion.

Captains of the college elevens this year are a particularly able, experienced collection of athletes. Henry W. Pell of Princeton is serving his second term at the head of the Jersey men. Last year’s eleven had a disastrous career because of a lack of good material. Pell, however, did splendid work and was re-elected captain by the unanimous vote of his teammates. Charley Gould of Yale was a prominent factor in placing last year’s great Eli eleven on a championship basis. Dave Campbell is one of the greatest ends in the country today, and Harvard places entire confidence in his ability (to win).

The Markets Grain, Provisions, etc.

Chicago, Oct. 22.

FLOUR—Fair demand and was steady. Spring patents, special brands, $4.00; hard patents, $3.40 @ $3.60; straights, $2.80 @ 2.90; winter patents, $3.50 @ 3.60; straights, $3.30 @3.40; seconds, $1.90 @ $2.10.

WHEAT—Strong. December 70 ¼ @ 70 7/8 cents; May 73 7/8 @74 ¼ cents.

CORN—Higher. October 54 1/8 cents; December 55 5/8 @ 55 ¾; May 57 1/8 @ 58 ¼ cents.

RYE—Market easy. No 2. 53 1/8 @54 ¼ cents. Choice samples bring a premium. December delivery 54 1/4 @54 ½ cents.

BARLEY—Met with fair sale and ruled steady. Screening, 35 @ 50 cents. Malting, off color, light weight or not clean. 50 @ 58 cents. Fair to good. 54 @ 56 cents, and choice to fancy, 57 @ 58 cents.

MESS PORK-Tradiing only moderate and prices higher.

POTATOES—Market slow, prices steady.

EGGS—Market holding firm. BUTTER—Firm and steady. LIVE POULTRY—Market generally steady. Brief Minnesota News All the iron for the state capitol has arrived and the building will be enclosed before winter sets in.

Tape Worm. Removed free of charge, without sickness, pain or loss of business. Any persons knowing themsevels to be annoyed with tape worm and have had it tampered with, with male fern, cruso, spegelia, pumpkin seeds and other “old granny” remedies will be permanently relieved, head and all complete, if they call on Dr. G. W. Smith, Sawyer House, room 8, Stillwater, Minnesota, and explain how long since it was tampered with. My medicine is free to those troubled with the same if you call at once. Bring this notice with you.

Upriver at the Stillwater Prison 134 Years Ago THE PRISON MIRROR January 4, 1888 For the Mirror.

A Tragedy. (Continued from last week). Background: The writer meets a young man in New York City on his way home from college, who becomes a fast friend and invites the writer to visit him in the country, which the writer later does by train. Arriving at the friend’s country estate, he attends a betrothal dinner for the friend, where the bride asks the groom to drink).

“What, sir?” said she, “you, that have sworn on your knees that you loved me and would willingly die for me, will not drink this little glass of wine for my sake, and to my health? Sir, if you do not drink this I sever every connection between us from this night, and hereafter we are strangers?”…but if she could have foreseen what the consequences would be she would have remained on her knees all night and prayed.

Next morning, when our young friend awoke from his debauch, it was with great shame and downcast eyes that he met his mother. He fell down on his knees at her feet, and swore he would never drink another glass. But his mother knew that it was the beginning, but not the end. All the remainder of the day he slept, but next morning he went to the post office and of course met with several young gentlemen that he had seen at the reception at Squire ——’s, and the first thing one of them did was to call on all to go into a saloon and have a drink. Our friend refused at first, but when some one said he was a baby and a milksop, he marched straight to the bar and ordered a glass of wine. Glass after glass was drank, and it was late in the afternoon when the party began to disperse. He managed to get into his buggy and drove home with his brain on fire. He drove like a man deprived of reason, and his mother who had been watching for him all the afternoon saw him coming home in that mad state.

Dear reader, can you comprehend what that mother suffered at that sad moment? No, none could tell but herself. I am sorry I was away at the moment he arrived. I was a little way from the house fishing, but I heard him coming and knew he was intoxicated. So I ran as fast as I could, but not fast enough to prevent one of the saddest and darkest tragedies…(to be concluded).

French Canadian in the Twin Cities 137 Years Ago Echo de L’Ouest (Western Echo) March 11, 1885 Business directory G. E. Matile, avocat 34 Washington Avenue South. J. B. Boutineau, avocat Pence Opera Block, Minneapolis.

T. L. Laliberté, Médicin et Chirurgien, 105 Central Avenue Thelephone 162—2 Chs. Blanchette, Maçon et Tailueur de pierre 1153-11 St., 12th Avenue N.

Olivier Boisclair, Constable 47—10 Ave. N. E. Frank Lanctôt, Boucher 745 Adams Street, N. E. Joseph Marcoux, Commís Shoe Store 209 Nicolet Ave.

Next County Up Almost 157 Years Ago THE TAYLOR FALLS REPORTER April 1, 1865 HOME MATTERS.

River opening – The ice is rapidly going out of the river at this point.

From the Anoka Star we learn that a German girl living in this county has killed five deer during the past winter.

Logs running. – The logs have been in motion this week. A slight raise in the river yesterday brought in a good many.

Half sheet. – Again we send out a half sheet for want of advertisements. As soon as enough of these are received we shall issue a full sheet.

Territorial Dispatch 170 years ago THE MINNESOTIAN March 20, 1852 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY An act to establish the county of Hennepin. Be it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Minnesota: Section 1. That so much of Dakota county lies north of Minnesota river west of the Mississippi, and east of a line commencing at a place known as the Little Rapids on said Minnesota river; thence in a direct line north by west to the forks of the Crow river; thence down said river to its junction with the Mississippi, be and the same is hereby erected into a separate county, which shall be called the county of Hennepin.

Section 2. The said county of Hennepin is hereby attached to the county of Ramsey for judicial purposes, and further provided for; but for election purposes, it shall remain as at present, in conjunction with Dakota county, so far as it relates to the election of a councillor and two representatives, until the next apportionment of representation; Provided, however, that said county is established, within the boundaries defined, as an unorganized county, until the provisions of the following sections are fulfilled.

Section 3. That when the treaty of Mendota, concluded with the Dakota Indians, is ratified by the United States Senate, the aforesaid county of Hennepin will be entitled to elect at the next general election, subsequent to such ratification, such county and other officers as the organized counties are entitled to, or as the qualified voters of said county may think proper and expedient, to elect for the permanent organization of said county of Hennepin, which shall qualify as directed by the Statute, and enter upon the discharge of their duties within ten days after their election. The returns of said first general election to be made in the manner provided for by law, to the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, who is hereby authorized to issue certificates of said returns, and perform all the duties prescribed by the Statutes, in relation to election returns, made form unorganized counties.

Section 4. Upon the ratification of said treaty of Mendota, the said county of Hennepin will be considered to be organized for all the purposes herein specified, and invested with all and singular the rights and privileges and immunities to which all organized counties in this Territory shall be, and are by law entitled. Provided, that the County Commissioners so elected to establish the county seat of said county of Hennepin temporarily, until the same is permanently established by the Legislature or authorized votes of the qualified voters of said county.

Section 5. This act shall take effect from and after its passage.

J. D. Ludden, Speaker of the House of Representatives Wm. Henry Forbes, President of the Council Approved, March 6th, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-two Alex Ramsey News Items: The brick Grist Mill in this place belonging to Messrs. Sheetz & Leech, on Friday, fell to the ground with a tremendous crash. The walls were entirely destroyed. A large quantity of wheat was stored in the mill, most of which will be saved. A part of the machinery is broken. The loss will be about $4,000.—Fortunately, no person was in the mill at the time. The foundation was insecurely placed upon quicksand,* and was undermined by the late rise in the stream.—Freeport Journal.

*Quicksand gains its remarkable strength from running water keeping the individual sand grains in constant motion relative to each other.

DAKOTA TAWAXITKU KIN/THE DAKOTA FRIEND April 1, 1852 For the Dakota Friend.

RED WING. This village is so called after the name of an Indian chief who formerly resided here. It is situated on the right bank of the Mississippi, five miles above the head of Lake Pepin. In seasons of low water, such as our old settlers speak of, it will probably be the head of navigation for any steamboats of considerable size on the upper Mississippi. And in the opinion of the writer of this article Red Wing will be the proper point from which to extend a road to Traverse des Sioux, or, some other town on the south bend of the Minnesota river, yet to be, the capital of this New England of the West. A canal or railroad, and perhaps both, will at some future day run up the valley of the Cannon river, connecting the Mississippi at this point with the Minnesota.

But this is saying that Red Wing will be, rather than what it is, and has been. The place was first settled by the present occupants and their immediate ancestors, about forty years ago. They say that they had lived for some time previously on the banks of Cannon river, six miles further west. They were attracted hither no doubt by the beauty of the location—its commanding view, and by its abundance of wood and good water. Hence its Dakota name, Remnican, mountain, water, wood. But there are evidences of its having been inhabited long before the Dakotas came, by a people who have passed away.* A few rods southwest from the village on a small plain there are about fifty mounds exhibiting by their structure and location very decided proofs of that place having once been the site of a populous town. On the summit of the mountain there appears to have been some kind of fortification. This mountain forms the most striking feature of the place. It rises very abruptly on all sides to the height of 322 feet. It is three-fourths of a mile long, and less than one-eighth of a mile wide at its base. On account of its singular appearance it has been named “The Barn.”

*It was common on the part of settlers at this time to disassociate the native inhabitants from evident signs of historical greatness, with mounds and other features associated by the settlers associated with a people already gone as opposed to still around. This in turn, helped facilitate and explain their actions towards those present on arrival.