to authorize to contract for ….

Posted 12/22/21

to authorize to contract for private development by and between the Cottage Grove Economic Development Authority and NP BGO Cottage Grove Logistics Park, LLC,” as stated in the packet. The Limited …

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to authorize to contract for ….


to authorize to contract for private development by and between the Cottage Grove Economic Development Authority and NP BGO Cottage Grove Logistics Park, LLC,” as stated in the packet.

The Limited Liability Company (LLC) for the Logistics Park as formed under Chapter 322C of the Minnesota State Statutes, has a filing date with the Minnesota Secretary of State of September 29, 2021, with a home jurisdiction of Delaware and a home office in Riverside, Missouri.

Shifting from the North-Point Development to the city checkbook for the first half of December, the details of the most recent billing cycle for Cottage Grove can be found under agenda item 08A of the December 15 meeting, on the Cottage Grove website. Following is a list of the top ten expenditures, listed in order from largest to smallest.

Starting out the list at top for the bills totaling $1,760,115 between December 1 and December 16 is a payment of $462,810.98 to Geislinger & Sons Inc for work the South District Sanitary Sewer “Ext phase,,” followed with a payment of $171,562.50 to Cardinal Home Builders for Refund Grading Escrow.

Following Cardinal Home Builders in third place for notable expenditures the first two weeks of December is Ryan Contracting Company, with a payment dated December 9 of $130,030.94 for the River Acres Water Main, the final payment of 10 total for work done June 29 through October 13.

Fourth in line for city expenditures is a payment of $122,596.65 two Pember Companies for the third payment related to Oakwood Park improvements through November 12, followed with one totaling $102,656.41 from the biweekly payroll to the Public Employees Retirement Association, thereby funding retirement for public employees.

Of this, the Mayor and Council together receive just $158.50 towards their retirement plan, the mayor’s annual stipend for work being just over $10,000, that of each council member just over $8,000 for public service rendered.

Meanwhile, sixth in line for recent city expenses is a payment of $64.919.52 to KLC of Willmar Inc. for reduction of grading escrow at Rolling Meadow, while seventh place in the declining balance of major expenditures goes to Keys Well Drilling Company for $49,459.37, being the tenth payment for the cost of well sealing at River Acres from August 28 through October 15. The River Acres neighborhood stationed west of 3M was tied into the city water system after wells on the site were found to be contaminated with perflourylakyl substances, or PFAS.

Although common in many everyday products, the compounds deemed “forever chemicals” attach to water with a hydrophyllic (i.e. ‘water loving’) end and then move through the environment, persisting for long periods on account of the strong bond between carbon and fluorine.

Eighth in the list of notable expenditures recently goes to Menard, Inc, with a refund payment of $48,750 in landscaping escrow balance.

Ninth in the list of payments is one related to tree planting, with $45,920 going to the Willow River company for 2021 tree planting in Cottage Grove.

Last in the list of notable payments is one related to defense against the Emerald Ash Borer, with a payment of $38,508.12 to the Rainbow Tree Company for EAB Injection Medication. Placed in young ash trees, this injection protects the trees against developing an emerald ash borer infestation, and so avoiding both falling limbs and tree death.