A little background: Grey Cloud Woman II (Mahpiya Hota Wiij)

Posted 1/31/23

Grey Cloud Woman II’s Dakota name was Mahpiya Hota Wiij. She was half Dakota and half Scottish, and her English name was Margaret Ayrd. Her mother was also named Grey Cloud Woman; and for clarity, …

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A little background: Grey Cloud Woman II (Mahpiya Hota Wiij)


Grey Cloud Woman II’s Dakota name was Mahpiya Hota Wiij. She was half Dakota and half Scottish, and her English name was Margaret Ayrd. Her mother was also named Grey Cloud Woman; and for clarity, we’ll refer to the daughter as Grey Cloud Woman II. She was bom in 1793 in Prairie du Chien, a village on the Mississippi River, near the confluence of the Wisconsin River. Grey Cloud Woman IPs father, James Ayrd (or Aird) was Scottish and had traded furs with the Dakota since at least 1779, often out of Prairie du Chien. On her mother’s side, her grandfather, Wapaha Sa (Red Leaf or Wabasha), was a prominent and influential Dakota leader who established ties with the French and British fur traders in the mid-to-late 1700s. —nps.gov