46 years ago HASTINGS ….

Posted 8/9/22

46 years ago HASTINGS GAZETTE July 8, 1976 Dating back to 1849, the farm of Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Rowe of Hastings (in Washington County) was acclaimed the oldest century farm in the state. …

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46 years ago HASTINGS ….


46 years ago

HASTINGS GAZETTE July 8, 1976 Dating back to 1849, the farm of Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Rowe of Hastings (in Washington County) was acclaimed the oldest century farm in the state.

Continuing on with the news from Hastings, meanwhile, the South Area Celebrity Golf Tournament was due to kick off at Hastings Country Club, while movies at the Grove Plaza Shopping Center off East Point Douglas Drive included “Family Plot,” with admission just $1.50 for adults and 50 cents for children.

151 years ago THE HASTINGS GAZETTE August 5, 1871 Married for a Dollar.

A few days since a nice young man from Maple Plain called upon Justice Hicks at his office, and after passing the compliments of the season, asked, His Honor, “how much he charged for marrying a feller.” With his usual urbanity the mayor replied that the statutes allowed him two dollars, but he usually left that to the liberality of the happy bridegroom. The young man from the country was not to be soft-soaped in to any reckless expenditure of money, however, and responded: “Now, look-a -hyer, squire, I have got just one clean dollar over and above what it will cost me to get back and if you want that there dollar say so and I’m your man.”

The major, from pure kindness of heart, could not bear to rob the man of his promised matrimonial joys, and tied just as strong a knot as though he had received the statutory fee.