56 Years Ago THE HASTINGS Gazette December 3, 1964 WOODBURY Locals (Mrs. Lloyd McHattie) Mr. and Mrs. Orris Schiling and family, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Garbe and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wes Scheel and …
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56 Years Ago
THE HASTINGS Gazette December 3, 1964 WOODBURY Locals (Mrs. Lloyd McHattie) Mr. and Mrs. Orris Schiling and family, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Garbe and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wes Scheel and family, Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Brown and Danny, and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Garbe and family all gathered at the Robert Garbe home on Thanksgiving Day at Hudson, Wisconsin.
Woodbury Methodist Church E. Taylor Hare, pastor 10 a.m. Morning worship 11 a.m. Sunday school Mr. and Mrs. William Krueger entertained Mr. and Mrs. Leo Ehret, Mr. and Mrs. Lauren Ehret and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ehret and son of Forest Lake, and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Heinbuch at Thanksgiving dinner.
Ice Rescue Tips May Save Lives An ice mishap need not end disastrously if you keep your head, according to the American Red Cross. A group can work together forming a human chain. Each man holds the skates of the man ahead and worms his way over to the victim. The lead man grasps the wrist of the victim and the whole line wriggles back to safety.
If the accident happens when you’re alone, kick your feet to the surface and work your way over to unbroken ice until you find a solid piece.
A ladder stretched over ice, a plank stretched out to the victim, a long light fishing pole, a ring buoy on a rope, a flat-bottomed boat–almost any lightweight thing near the scene of the accident that can be extended over the weak ice to the victim can be used for life-saving purposes.
St. Croix Pollution Hearings Underway The subcommittee on air and water pollution of the U. S. Senate Committee on air and water pollution will hold public hearings today on the proposed Northern States Power Co., steam generating plant to be built at Oak Park Heights, near Stillwater. The hearings will be conducted in the Stillwater junior high school.
Government officials are slated to open the hearings at 10 a.m. today by giving their testimony regarding the plant. This afternoon, NSP officials and proponents of the plant will present their case to the committee.
Starting at 10 a.m. Friday, Save the St. Croix Inc. and other conservation groups will present their testimony in opposition to the plant.
Cross examination and rebuttal will be on the Friday afternoon agenda.
Modern Cottage Grove begins to rise Almost 62 Years Ago THE REPORTER Serving Thompson Grove, Woodbury Hgts. & So. Wash. County January 29, 1960 Village Sewer to Serve New School ST. PAUL PARK–The village council met with the Cottage Grove town board, the superintendent of school, and Orrin Thompson of the construction company in efforts to settle a sewer problem facing the area.
Thompson and the school board sought permission to connect the proposed new school across the highway from Thompson Grove to the St. Paul Park sewer system. The village agreed but said it would do no maintenance on sewer lines outside the village limits.
The school, which will not be completed for at least one year, is intended to serve Thompson Grove and the new development planned by Thompson. None of the homes in the proposed new development will be allowed to connect to the village facilities.
Newport Firemen Go to School NEWPORT–The village fire department has been attending classes at the Northwestern Refining Co. each Saturday morning, learning new techniques and brushing up old methods of fire fighting.
Mayor Loveland said that a qualified instructor from the refinery has been conducting the classes free of charge. The men have also been donating their time, the mayor said.
Another facet of the program in the fire department has been the donation of all wages received by the men for fire fighting to a fund for buying new equipment. Loveland said he thought highly of the men for both the donation and also their attendance at the classes.
Staff Changes Made for Paper THIS AREA–Staff changes for the St. Paul Park-Newport Report have been announced by Gerald Sexton, general manager of the paper, in a statement released this week.
Included in the change were Phil Peters, formerly editor of the Reporter, and Richard Lodge, formerly news editor of the West ST. Paul Booster-News.
Peters has been named advertising manager of the Reporter and Lodge has been named editor of the paper. The changes took effect last week and will remain in effect until further notice, Sexton said.
No other changes were involved in the shift or staff personnel. The number to call for news and advertising are GL 9-1318 and CA 5-6555.
Peace To Rein Over TG As Battle Stops THOMPSON GROVE – Six months of bickering, mud-slinging and general community unrest were publicly brought to an end at the monthly Thompson Grove Homeowners Association meeting last Thursday in a jammed St. Paul Park high school.
Nearly three hundred residents heard Stan Feldman, present chairman of TGHA and Jerry Denhardt, temporary chairman of the TGCA, announce that the two factions are presently involved in a detailed discussion and revision of the existing constitution. This eight member panel, consisting of four leaders from each group, plan on submitting their new charter in the very near future.
The main point of contention, which has caused so many problems during the past half-year seems to lie on the questions of representation and voting on matters of community interest.
“We are all working for a better community,”: stated Feldmann, “and are now going in the right direction. The meetings held during the past week prove that the idea of mediation has been accepted by both factions. We must retain all the benefits we have worked for and strive to put this area in a much better light. The idea of ‘unity for self pride’ is our main concern.”
Plan Shown In Woodbury WOODBURY HEIGHTS–Plans for 1960 for the Woodbury community club were presented Jan. 19 by James W. Morgan, president of the club, at the regular meeting.
The program for 1960 will consist of two parts, according to Morgan, and will be social and informative. The social side of the groups activities will consist of a picnic, a Thanksgiving supper, dances, quarterly card parties, and other social activities.
The informative side will consist of six meetings devoted to local topics and six meeting devoted to items of a general nature when informed speakers will be invited.
The social program starts tomorrow, Saturday, when a card party is scheduled at 8:30 p.m. The event will be co-sponsored by the Woodbury 4H club….The Woodbury Community club is located on Afton Road and is 32 years old.
Obituaries: Edna F. Gower, South St. Paul; Margaret Cordes, St. Paul Park; Julia Snider, South St. Paul; Adella Judkins, South St. Paul; Joseph Tobritzhofer, St. Paul; Robert Rechtzigel, South St. Paul; John B. Voge., South St. Paul Farming and small town items 120 Years Ago WASHINGTON COUNTY JOURNAL Motto: “Independent and Impartial” November 8, 1901 THE lumbering season on the St. Croix is practically over and loggers, millmen, steamboatmen, and the army of men employed in different vocations agree that the season has been a successful one, notwithstanding work was retarded by reason of low water early in the summer.
THE MARKETS New York, Nov. 6 LIVESTOCK—Steers…$3 80 @ 5.50, Hogs….5.65 @6.50; Sheep….2.00 @ 3.25 John Spangenberg, of Woodbury, Washington County, arrested in June last, for abusing Jacob Luchsinger, was to have appeared in the municipal court Wednesday for a jury trial, but defaulted $100, by not putting in an appearance.
The city council deserves a compliment for the action taken last night in deciding to heat the armory every day during cold weather. Upriver at the Stillwater Prison 134 Years Ago THE PRISON MIRROR Published by the inmates of the Minnesota State Prison at Stillwater Minnesota Vol. 1, No. 4 August 31, 1887 Motto: “It is never too late to mend.” What Are We? We are called convicts with a very large “C.” I suppose this distasteful word is properly applied to us: for we have been legally tried and either justly or unjustly declared “guilty” of the offenses alleged against us. Being convicted does not by any means constitute the crime. The crime was committed when the deed was done.
Although convicted, we are still entitled to some consideration from our fellow men. Our status is most unenviable, but we have only ourselves to blame. By our own actions we have forfeited certain rights and privileges, but we retain more than the general public is willing to concede. Some persons, through innate cussedness or woeful ignorance, believe in allowing us to exist merely. Should these persons unfortunately be placed in our position, how different would be their view and what a different channel their thoughts would run: what a hue and cry would they raise against justice.
We are as a punishment condemned to hard labor for a certain period. If we perform this work in a modest but thorough manner without putting the state or its employees to unnecessary trouble or expense, are we not entitled to a little credit for it? The officials of this prison certainly give us due credit. Should you, then, who probably have never devoted two seconds thought to convicts, be able to judge of our dues better than the gentlemen who are thrown in daily contract with us.
If we do not perform our work in a satisfactory manner, there are means provided for our punishment.
Even in this prison we have degrees of goodness. I say goodness advisedly. You may say bad, worse, worst: we say good, better, best.
Is it just to consider us the lowest, meanness, and most despicable wretches in existence, to regard us as utterly devoid of a conscience, the sense of honor or any gentle feeling?…How many men now free are there, who are guilty of offenses greater than ours? Barred, as we are, from the society and pleasures of our friends, I would not exchange places with any one of those free guilty ones. They have no peace; their days seems endless; their slumbers are nightmares; they nights haunted. They are continually trying in vain to evade something, and that something is their conscience (continues onwards) 158 Years Ago Next County Over THE ANOKA STAR November 21, 1863 The Effects of War Upon the South There is no longer any doubt that an awful famine is impending in the South. Despite all precautions of prudence, the Richmond papers continually harp upon it. They express themselves willing to subsist on half rations, but they even doubt their ability to get that much. Parties have scoured Louisa county [one of their rich counties] and the farmers have nothing to sell. Hunger bids fair to make the rebellion succumb. The loss of East Tennessee is an irreparable one to them, and it is hoped that our Government will hold that country at all hazards.
Territorial Dispatch Almost 170 Years Ago THE DAKOTA FRIEND Published by the Dakota Mission G. H. Pond, Editor January 1852 A Fragment form an unwritten chapter on the Minnesota Fur Trade.
SIEUR DU LUTH, NO 1 (continued from previous) This attack caused the French much uneasiness, as they feared that the English, by forming an alliance with the Iroquois, might take possession of their posts at Mackinac, Fort Creveceur, and Green Bay, and thus command the trade of all the distant nations. Governor De la Barre therefore dispatched orders to Sieur du Luth, who was then at Green Bay, acting as Lieutenant under Durantaye, who was commander at Mackinac, to come to Canada and state the number of allies he could obtain. With great speed he came to Niagra, the place of rendezvous, with a band of Indians, and would alone have attacked the Senecas, had it not been for the express order from De la Barre to the contrary.
When Louis the Fourteenth heard of this outbreak, he felt, to use his words, “that it was a grave misfortune for the colony of New France,” and then in his letter to the Governor, he adds: It appears to me that one of the principal causes of the war, arises from one Du Luth having caused two Iroquois to be killed, who had assassinated two Frenchmen in Lake Superior, and you sufficiently seen how much this man’s voyage, which cannot produce any advantage to the colony, and which was permitted only in the interest of some private persons, has contributed to distract the repose of the colony.”
The English, taking advantage of the embarrassments of the French, in the year 1685, one Roseboom, and Major MacGregory, with sixty young men from Albany, went beaver trading with the fur nations, and did not stop until they exchanged goods with the Hurons of Mackinac. Danonville, the new Governor of Canada, knowing the bravery of Du Luth, ordered him to the Detroit of Lake Erie, where he might capture any English on their way to Lake Huron.
With fifty good men, well armed, he there stationed himself, and thus gave security from the Iroquois to those Indians about Green Bay. In the year 1689, immediately previous to the burning of Schenectady, we find him repulsing the Iroquois in the neighborhood of Montreal, and though we cannot say with certainty, there is a probability that he was with a former associate, Mantet, in the midnight sack of that town…(conclusion to come).
Other news: Rev. S. R. Riggs, in a communication to the Secretary of the Minnesota Historical Society just received, says: “A letter from the Smithsonian Institute received this morning informs me that our Dakota Lexicon has been examined by a committee and approved. Prof. Henry says, ‘ as we are now prepared to proceed with the printing we shall arrange to have it put to press in New York without delay…One of my examiners, ( I suppose Prof. Turner,) says, ‘I have looked over them both and especially the grammar with care and say with pleasure that I consider them a very highly valuable addition to our knowledge of the North American Languages, and well worthy of a place in the Smithsonian publications.’ I expect now to go to New York next week and have the work advance as fast as practicable….The Smithsonian Institute asks me now how much money we have raised-what shall I say? Will our Minnesota subscribers realize $500.
The Dakota Alphabet (letter, name, pronounciation) A, ah, pronounced as ‘a’ in far; B, be, pronounced as ‘b’ in but; C, che, pronounced as ch’ in cheat; D, de, pronounced as ‘d’ in deed; E, a, pronounced as ‘a’ in say; G, ge, a low guttural sound; H, he, pronounced as ‘h’ in he; I, e, pronounced as ‘e’ in see; J, je, pronounced as ‘si’ in hosier; K, ke, pronounced as ‘k’ in key; M, me, pronounced as ‘m’ in me; N, ne, pronounced as ‘n’ in neat; O, o, pronounced as ‘o’ in go; P, pe, pronounced as in pea; Q, qe, indescribable; R, re, pronounced as a high guttural; S, se, pronounced as ‘s’ in sea; T, te, pronounced as ‘t’ in tea; U, oo, pronounced as ‘oo; in noon; W, we, pronounced as ‘w’ in we; X, she, pronounced as ‘sh’ in sheet; Y, ye, pronounced as ‘y’ in yeast; Z, ze, pronounced as ‘z’ in zeta.
Conjugation of a Dakota Transitive Verb Indicative Mood Indefinite Tense (Sample of more extensive list) Singular and Singular Ba, He, she or it blames him, her or it. Singular and Plural Wicaba, He blames them. Dual and Singular. Unba, I and thou blame him. Plural and Plural Wicabapi, They blame them. REMARKS ON THE ABOVE CONJUGATION In the above example the English is put in the present tense, but the same form of the verb, which we call the indefinite tense, is used for what we call in English the imperfect (past continuous) and perfect (past completed) tenses. In like manner we have put most of the English pronouns in the masculine gender; but the pronouns in Dakota are not varied on account of gender, nor is the pronoun of the third person generally spoken, or written, except in the objective case plural (continues on).