A letter to you all from a resident who grew up on this land:

Posted 9/27/22

The following letter is from one of three individuals who brought the lawsuit against Cottage Grove and Pulte in relation to Mississippi Dunes recently. Published previously, it has been resubmitted. …

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A letter to you all from a resident who grew up on this land:


The following letter is from one of three individuals who brought the lawsuit against Cottage Grove and Pulte in relation to Mississippi Dunes recently. Published previously, it has been resubmitted.

Hi all, The Mississippi Dunes land was owned by my Grandma, Mary O’Boyle. My Great Aunt, Martha Michaud, owned the property adjacent that was supposed to be a regional park. All of it together was supposed to be a regional park. My Mom met my Dad there. At that time, it was Michaud’s Riding Stables. My Mom boarded her horse at Aunt Mart’s. My Dad helped out at the Stables. When Aunt Mart passed away, my Aunt Betty Kartarik (my Mom’s sister) inherited the land. Washington County purchased the land to stop a Housing Development from going in at that time.

Now we are faced with the same threat of a Housing Development going in on the Mississippi Dunes land which is adjacent to the originally intended Washington County Regional Park. As stated above, the Mississippi Dunes land was owned by my Grandma Mary O’Boyle. My Grandma and Great Aunt Mart were sisters. When the decision was made to sell the land my family looked for a buyer who would preserve the land and have a land use that was compatible with Nature and the Environment. And it became the Mississippi Dunes Golf Course which is adjacent to the Dunes Scientific and Natural Area. The Mississippi Dunes Golf Course closed in 2017 due to a bankruptcy. The land to all intents and purposes is still Open Space, pristine natural acreage. It borders the Mississippi River and is in the Mississippi River Critical Corridor and National Park.

I grew up in the stone farm house that is located on the Mississippi Dunes Golf Course until I was 8 years old. I have walked the land both as a child and as an adult. The land provides habitat for endangered species. It also has cultural value. We need to be responsible Stewards of the Land and preserve it for future generations. That has become even more crucial than ever due to Climate Change (Global Warming) The LAST thing we need is another Housing Development in this area. Once Open Space is taken over by greedy people, it’s gone forever. The Mississippi Dunes acreage is a gem that we can’t afford to lose.

I live in Grey Cloud Island Township on the land my Mom and Dad built our house on when I was 8 years old (1960). My Grandma owned 80 acres behind our property. I was fortunate to grow up on 85 acres. After my Grandma O’Boyle passed away, the 80 acres was also sold. My family didn’t try to have the Washington County Open Spaces regulations changed. They sold the land in 10 acre strips. The reason I mention this is because the current owner of the Mississippi Dunes property wants to change the zoning and Regulations to make a quick buck.

My family believed that it was important to be good Stewards of the Land. Being good Stewards and preserving the land for future generations as well as for our Communities right now is the opposite of being greedy.

My roots are and continue to be in Grey Cloud Island Township. My Grandma O’Boyle raised her family on a farm in Grey Cloud Island Township. She was also the St. Paul Park Postmistress. When she retired, my Dad, Patrick O’Boyle, became the Postmaster. The road I live on was originally called O’Boyle Lane until the Cottage Grove JC’s changed the name to Grey Cloud Tr. S. Growing up my address was 150 O’Boyle Lane.

This is a Community effort. Please don’t let a developer and the Cottage Grove City Council override what is in the best interest of the Community, the Environment and Minnesotans. The preservation of the Mississippi Dunes acreage will benefit our local Communities, children, the Environment and be held in trust for future generations. It would also be a valuable addition to the Grey Cloud Island Regional Park. Thank you, Sharon M. O’Boyle