A Look Back

Posted 9/6/22

Upriver at Stillwater 125 years ago THE MIRROR Put out by the inmates of the Stillwater prison. September 9, 1897 Prisonettes (Prison updates) Patients undergoing treating in hospital, 3. Prison …

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A Look Back


Upriver at Stillwater 125 years ago THE MIRROR

Put out by the inmates of the Stillwater prison.

September 9, 1897 Prisonettes (Prison updates) Patients undergoing treating in hospital, 3.

Prison population September 9: Males 474, females, 9; total, 483.

Talk about punishment in prison! The thoughts aroused by the joyous peal of church bells that we hear every Sunday afternoon and evening cause the most poignant pain to all who still have a vestige of manhood left within them. Anything that recalls better days—a happier period of existence—is fraught with agony of heart for one who is penned up body and soul. When free we might pay no attention to the solemn call of a church bell, though it sound ever touched a vibrant chord within attuned to happy memories of childhood. But in these days every peal strikes a recriminating chord of a conscience that justly taunts us for the deliberate folly that incurred our present punishment.

Prison Exhibit at State Fair.

The state prison has its usual neat exhibit, showing the work in the binder twine factory, and also the manufacture of high school apparatus. The booth is decorated with the soft, fluffy strands of sisal and manila fibre, and within are myriads of the balls of twine—the manila 650 feet to the pound, manila and sisal mixed 600, standard 500 and sisal 500. The manufacture of high school apparatus, designed for use in teaching mechanics and sciences, is a comparatively new industry at the prison, and one at which the convicts are becoming quite expert. The sale of the product is confined to Minnesota schools.—St. Paul Globe.

Facts Worth Knowing.

It is said that the working people in Ireland who live chiefly on the potato, never suffer from gout.

A strong microscope shows the single hairs of the head to be like coarse, round rasps, but with teeth extremely irregular and jagged.

Firelighters are made in Germany by twisting wood into a rope, cutting it into short lengths, and dipping the ends of the pieces into melted rosin.

The summer coat of the polar fox is dark, in general harmony with the ground of the rocky Arctic regions, where the sun has melted off the snow. In winter it is so white that it can hardly be seen as it runs over the snow.

Next county over Almost 159 years ago THE ANOKA STAR October 10, 1863 Motto: “Virtue, Intelligence, Order, Industry, Friendship, Unity, Happiness The Press.

The press—the press— the glorious press— It makes the nation free!

Before it tyrants prostrate fall and proud oppressors flee! In what a state of wretchedness Without it we should be!

And can we then too highly prize This source of liberty?

A word to boys and girls about order Little friends, put things right back in their proper places. You leave things all about, helter-skelter, topsy- turvy—never. When you use any article—hoe shovel or shoes, books, slates, pencils, writing apparatus, pins, thimbles, pin cushions, needles, work-baskets, kitchen furniture, every article of housewifery or husbandry, no matter what it is, return it to its proper place. Be sure to have a special place for everything—a place for everything and everything in its place. Order, order, perfect order is the watchword, heaven’s first law. How much precious time is saved (aside from vexation) by observing order—systematic regularity! And little folks should begin early. To preserve order is everything— form habits of order. These loose, slipshod, slatternly habits, are formed in childhood, and habits once formed will cling for life.

Young friends, begin early to keep things straight in their proper places; study neatness, order, ceremony, sobriety—everything just, honest, pure, lovely, and of good report.

Territorial Dispatch 172 years ago THE DAKOTA FRIEND November 1, 1850 The Trees of the Minnesota Valley.

The lowest lands on the river, above the Little Rapids, are unusually covered with willow, soft maple, and cottonwood. The higher bottom lands produce ash, elm, basswood; boxelder, hackberry, and one some part of the river, as about Traverse des Sioux, black and white walnut. After ascending the river hill, we still find in the wooded parts, ash, elm, linn, hackberry and white walnut. In some sections of the up land, hard maple is abundant. Hickory is also found in some localities—ironwood, a species of poplar, birch, and several kinds of oak. On the lower part of the Minnesota river, are some groves of tamarack. On the upper part of the river, the oak is the principal wood that grows on the higher ground; and it is found chiefly about lakes, and skirting around the sides of ravines. In the ravines of the Coteau des Prairies, back from Big Stone Lake and Lake Iravuse, the hard maple is said to grow pretty abundantly.—These are the chief of the forest trees, of the Minnesota valley. The country on either side of the river, up perhaps, as far as the Cottonwood, may be regarded as well wooded. On the Upper Minnesota, the Prairie abounds.—S. R. R.

Lac-qui-Parle, November 1850.

Boundary line of Minnesota Territory.

“Beginning in the Mississippi river, at the point where the line of forty-three degrees and thirty minutes of north latitude crosses the same, thence running due west on said line, while is the northern boundary of the state of Iowa, to the northwest corner of said state of Iowa, thence southerly along the western boundary of said State to the point where said boundary strikes the Missouri river to the mouth of the White earth river, thence up the middle of the main channel of the White earth river to the boundary line between the possessions of the United States and Great Britain; thence east and south east along the boundary line between the possession of the United States and Great Britain to Laek Superior; thence in a straight line to the northernmost point of the State of Wisconsin in Lake Superior, thence along the western boundary line of said State of Wisconsin to the Mississippi river; thence down the main channel of said river to the place of beginning.”

This is the boundary of the Minnesota Territory…. Alexander Ramsey is Governor of this Territory and Superintendent of all the tribes of Indians within its limits. Under him are Agents and Sub-Agents of the United States with each of the tribes of the Indiana so Minnesota. Minnesota is governed by its own laws.