Boot Hockey tournament at St. Paul Park on Saturday, February 11

Posted 1/31/23

Looking for something to do in a week or so? Try boot hockey. Approved in the consent agenda at the Jan. 17 St. Paul Park Council meeting, a boot hockey tournament will take place Saturday, Feb. 11 …

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Boot Hockey tournament at St. Paul Park on Saturday, February 11


Looking for something to do in a week or so?

Try boot hockey. Approved in the consent agenda at the Jan. 17 St. Paul Park Council meeting, a boot hockey tournament will take place Saturday, Feb. 11 at the mud volleyball pits in downtown St. Paul Park.

The tournament, sponsored by the St. Paul Park/ Newport Lions, is a team competition and will also include food, specified in the permit as hot dogs, chips, pop, and water.

The fee per team is $100, with the event running from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., or one hour play concludes at 5 p.m. The $100 cost inlaces a three game minimum First prize in the tournament is $500, with second place prize of $250 and third place prize of $100. Further prizes depend on the number of teams.

Also approved in the Jan. 17 consent agenda at St. Paul Park, was a site access agreement between the City of St. Paul Park and the Washington County Community Development Agency.

The agreement, which gives permission to Washington County to access city property at 649 5th Street to carry out environmental investigation activities, while stipulating that inspectors do so at their own risk and without incurring liability on the part of the site owner.

Last of note from the Jan. 17 Council meeting, the St. Paul Park Council amended its zoning ordinance related to the 2040 Comprehensive Plan, to bring it up to date with present realities.