From the Pastor

Posted 12/20/22

In Psalm 61:5 David writes, “You have given me the heritage of those who fear your name.” As I read those words I paused to think about my heritage, those relatives who make up my family tree. …

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From the Pastor


In Psalm 61:5 David writes, “You have given me the heritage of those who fear your name.” As I read those words I paused to think about my heritage, those relatives who make up my family tree. Some people seem to get a rotten bunch of apples on their family tree and that is unfortunate but not hopeless either. I am not familiar with too many of my relatives past my grandparents but the ones I do know have set a wonderful example for me. My maternal grandparents were immigrants from Finland who ventured to America in the early 1900’s for a better life. How they then ended up in Chisholm, Minnesota still remains a mystery to me. They were strong Christians who trusted God in every area of their life. Gust and

stay that way for long. You become part of a family that cares for you and is there for you. As you read this you may be thinking your family heritage is quite weak in the faith department. That’s ok because that is how is was for my grandpa. He became the first to follow Jesus and started a Christian family heritage which continues today. If it were not for his commitment I wonder where I might be today. If you are in the same boat then you may be the first Christian in your family as well. You may be the first in a long line of men and women, adults and children who live for Jesus and order their lives by the truths of God found in the Bible. Be encouraged and thank God that you have an opportunity to influence family for generations to come. As our world becomes more secular we need to be more loving and fearless as we share the greatest story ever told, how God came to earth as a baby but more than that as it’s Savior. He came to free us from the guilt, pain and penalty of our sin and to adopt us into His family through faith in Him. If you don’t know what I’m talking then seek out a church that preaches the Bible. Take a step. Make a change. God promises this in the Bible, “You will seek me and you will find me when you seek me with all your heart.” That my friend is some Great news!

Randy Berg is Pastor of Calvary Church at 15th and Pine in Hastings [email protected] or calvaryhastings. org