Hastings needs your help!

Posted 10/11/22

City seeks volunteer commissioners The City of Hastings seeks volunteers to serve on city commissions. Several commissioners' terms will end this year, and new volunteers are needed. …

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Hastings needs your help!


City seeks volunteer commissioners

The City of Hastings seeks volunteers to serve on city commissions. Several commissioners' terms will end this year, and new volunteers are needed. Commissioners serve an advisory role to the City Council by providing review and recommendation of policies and activities.

To learn about the various commissions in Hastings and complete an interest form, please visit www.hastingsmn.gov/Commissions. Forms must be completed and submitted by October 31, 2022.

The following commissions have vacancies for terms that will begin in January 2023: Hastings Economic and Redevelopment Authority (HEDRA) – 1 vacancy HEDRA guides the development and implementation of the City's economic and redevelopment strategies. The sevenmember board is appointed by the City Council and consists of five citizen members and two City Councilmembers.

HEDRA meets every 2nd Thursday at 6:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers at Hastings City Hall. Heritage Preservation Commission 2 vacancies

The Heritage Preservation Commission works with property owners to retain the historical and unique past of our community. The Commission identifies significant sites throughout the City for preservation. Research and surveys assist the commission in identifying properties with important and interesting factors which contribute to the historical feeling of Hastings. Once a property is identified, the Commission may recommend that it be deemed a Heritage Preservation Site.

Nine voting members make up the Heritage Preservation Commission, and there is an emphasis on a prospective commissioner's related background for this commission. Residents with experience or an interest in architecture, history, archaeology, planning, design, real estate, building trades, and landscape architecture are encouraged to participate and share their knowledge.

Meetings are held the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at Hastings City Hall.

Parks and Recreation Commission – 3 vacancies

The Parks and Recreation Commission (PRC) is an appointed commission of the City Council of volunteer citizens. The purpose of the PRC is to advise and make recommendations to the City Council concerning parks, recreation, open space, and trail issues. In addition, the PRC provides input to City staff, in effect, acting as an advisory board on community interests concerning recreation and parks. Commissioners serve twoyear terms, with a limit of three consecutive terms.

Meetings are held the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at Hastings City Hall.

Planning Commission 1 vacancy

The Planning Commission serves as an advisory board to the City Council on matters related to land use development and zoning. Primary responsibilities include review of residential subdivisions, commercial site plans, and special use permits.

Commissioners meet twice a month on the second and fourth Mondays at 7:00pm in the City Council Chambers.

Public Safety Advisory Commission – 1 vacancy

The Public Safety Advisory Commission (PSAC) is an advisory commission relating to public safety (police and fire) programs of the City of Hastings.

This commission provides an opportunity for citizen involvement in police and fire services and encourages exchange between these services and the community. The PSAC is made up of seven members serving varied terms and is staffed by the City Fire/EMS and Police Chiefs. Commissioners meet at least three times annually.

Meetings are held the third Thursday of every other month at 6:30 p.m. at Hastings City Hall.