Knights will distribute Coats for Kids

Posted 10/25/22

On Saturday Oct. 29th from 1 -2:30 p.m. Hastings Knights of Columbus Council 1600 will be distributing Coats For Kids at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church in Hastings. The goal is to provide warmth for …

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Knights will distribute Coats for Kids


On Saturday Oct. 29th from 1 -2:30 p.m. Hastings Knights of Columbus Council 1600 will be distributing Coats For Kids at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church in Hastings.

The goal is to provide warmth for children during cold winter months. Families struggling to make ends meet use their scarce resources to meet the most basic needs and cannot always afford the vital essential of a new winter coat. The Knights of Columbus wants to ensure that no child in need goes without a warm coat during the winter season.

There will be boy’s and girl's sizes from size 4 through teen XL while supplies last. There is no cost. The Knights want to ensure that no child goes without a coat during the winter season.