Out & About

Posted 10/11/22

Are you looking for a few places to check out in the area where you can just get some great appetizers in a fun and friendly atmosphere that won’t cost an arm and a leg? If so, this is a section of …

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Out & About


Are you looking for a few places to check out in the area where you can just get some great appetizers in a fun and friendly atmosphere that won’t cost an arm and a leg? If so, this is a section of today’s paper that you will want to read. Also, it is APPLE ORCHARD season so if you are looking for places to maybe go for a fun, family- focused, activity filled day or the opposite, a nice little date day away from the kids, read on. Finally… if you are like to work with community- minded folks, there will even be a little nugget of information that you may appreciate as well.

Have you ever been in a situation where you are hungry, but not maybe for a full meal, but more just a few little things to get you through? In that very situation recently in Cottage Grove, the decision was made to pull into the Muddy Cow. The appetizer menu is extensive and creative, in addition to the usual suspects like friends and cheese curds, of course. After much discussion and discernment, the decision was made to go with the Chicken Queso Rolls and Bacon Cheeseburger Egg Rolls. A foodie might call this Asian Fusion and they certainly would not be wrong. The service was fantastic, friendly, and fast. The food was delicious and even with a couple non-alcoholic beverages, the final ticket was not outrageously out of bounds financially. On the way out, a phrase reminiscent of the Terminator movies was said to the fine young man who exclaimed, “thank you so much for coming, hope you have a great day.” Our reply… “we’ll be back.” You can check out the Muddy Cow at 7350 Hardwood Court in Cottage Grove.

Hastings has a few of those appetizer spots as well. While “Out and About” recently, the “Starters” section of the menu at Lock and Dam Eatery in historic Downtown Hastings was more eye catching than normal. Truth be told, it usually is just chips and salsa (delicious) with a large guacamole when dining there, because the main menu is legit, and room must be saved. This time, a bit of a diversion was made, and it was decided that the Triple Dip option would need to be tried. Satisfaction. Total satisfaction. Just the right amount of fresh, homemade salsa with enough but not too much kick, incredible guacamole (one of the best around), and a nice queso served with their freshly made, hot and lightly salted chips make for a perfect trifecta. However, the table next to us had the Gringo Nachos and while they do not look like an appetizer for two, the next time more than three are at a table at L& D, there is no doubt that this will be suggested. If you are a seafood type, there are three appetizer options for you as well. A stop at 101 2nd Street East will not disappoint when you are out and about.

After those appetizers, you might want to head out to an area Apple Orchard for some fun and frolic… and apples, of course. Afton Apple (www. aftonapple.com) has become one of the most visited area orchards being open from 10am until 6 pm every day. A favorite activity for many is the hayrides around some of the 250 plus acres while others, especially the younger ones, really love the petting farm. There are admission costs and additional costs for certain activities such as the corn maze. This type of fun only comes once a year and at Afton Apples, the word fun is fitting. Another fun orchard that has been around since 1972 is Whistling Well Farm (www.whistlingwellfarm. com). There is no admission fee for this orchard and Charlie makes sure that you have all the amenities, including a nice little Country Store, that you would want to find at an orchard. Whistling Well offers live music and other activities on the weekends. Both options are awesome when you are out and about.

Doing business with local business is a lot of what the “Out and About” feature is all about. These businesses may or may not be advertisers with us (yet), but they have done something to stand out a bit and that deserves a little extra attention, we believe. That was no more evident this past week then when two local businesses, McGraw Construction and Lawrence Interiors of Hastings, combined forces on the evening of homecoming to offer a bit of a FREE pregame option to the fans of Hastings Raiders Football and the community. The invited folks to a tailgate where they provided free hot dogs and pop, live music and judging by the smoke across from Todd Field, a bit of a bonfire to stay warm. Either that or Brent and Matt burned a LOT of hot dogs and EITHER WAY… what a great opportunity they offered for people to get “ramped up for an exciting game in the town they loved and to show Raider pride,” according to Brent. If you like working with community minded folks and have some interior work to be done, look no further because these folks don’t just say it, they prove it. Until next week, have some fun while you are “Out and About.”