
Posted 10/4/22

ASK Officer Schoen BY OFFICER DAN SCHOEN • COTTAGE GROVE COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT OFFICER Question: Are turn signals required in roundabouts? Answer: Minnesota law says that a motorist must signal …

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ASK Officer Schoen


Question: Are turn signals required in roundabouts?

Answer: Minnesota law says that a motorist must signal their intent to make a left or right turn at least 100 feet before the turn, and keep the signal displayed until the turn is completed. A motorist existing a roundabout does not have to signal because they are not changing lanes. However, signaling to change lanes or exit is not a bad idea regardless of law.

The Minnesota Department of Transportation says roundabouts are safer and keep traffic flowing. Data shows intersections replaced with roundabouts experience an 86 percent decrease in fatal crashes, an 83 percent decrease in life altering injuries, and a 42 percent decrease in crashes overall. The crashes we see at roundabouts are simply less violent.

Many of the crashes in roundabouts happen because people stop when they should be going. Roundabouts are designed to keep traffic flowing. If someone isn’t in the “circle” to your left, use the “pedal on the right.” Yes, you read that correctly; there are times when the correct move is to use the gas pedal and “keep ‘er movin’.”

Here are a couple other roundabout tips: If any emergency vehicles approach you with lights and siren activated, exit the roundabout and pull over.

Give extra room to large vehicles. They may need to use both lanes in a multilane roundabout.

Yield to pedestrians like any other crosswalk.

You’ll notice in Cottage Grove our public works crews have installed flashing lights for crosswalks along trails on some of our busier city roads such as 80th Street, 90th Street and Hinton Ave. You may recognize 70th St and Keats Ave. are not on this list. Those are Washington County roads, which are not managed by our public works staff. Cottage Grove has amazing parks with a trail system connecting many of them. This system grows every year as do the number of people we see utilizing them. Be safe as you discover Cottage Grove!