Shane Hudella is a true leader

Posted 10/25/22

To the editor: I am writing today to encourage your readers to support Shane Hudella as our next state representative. Shane is a lifelong Hastings resident, veteran of the U.S. Army National Guard, …

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Shane Hudella is a true leader


To the editor:
I am writing today to encourage your readers to support Shane Hudella as our next state representative.

Shane is a lifelong Hastings resident, veteran of the U.S. Army National Guard, and founder of the United Heroes League, which keeps military kids active and healthy while their parents serve our country.

By all accounts, the last few years under Governor Walz and House Democrat leadership have been pretty ugly. A $250 million fraud scheme took place and the Democrats in charge did next to nothing to stop it. And let’s not forget the economy, as many Minnesotans are now paying close to $4 for a gallon of gas, are watching their home heating costs skyrocket, and are struggling to pay their grocery bills.

Shane Hudella recognizes that these are real problems. While Democrats want you to forget all of this happened on their watch, Shane is going to work hard to clean up their mess. He will stand strong with law enforcement – not demean them – and help enact policies that will keep our communities safe. Shane will tackle inflation and let you keep more of what you earn, and he will support common sense legislation that punishes those who try to scam government programs.

Shane Hudella is a true leader who has spent his life serving our nation and community, and now its time for him to serve us at the State Capitol. Please join me in voting Shane Hudella for State Representative on Election Day!

Sincerely, Denny McNamara Hastings