A Little Good News! A weekly reflection from a member of the Hastings clergy By Paris Pasch Pastor of The Journey Church in Hastings I love the fact that I have gotten to tell so many people about …
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A Little Good News! A weekly reflection from a member of the Hastings clergy By Paris Pasch Pastor of The Journey Church in Hastings
I love the fact that I have gotten to tell so many people about the existence and reality of Heaven. That’s not just a little good news. Often I get to tell complete strangers when I’m officiating at a funeral or memorial service about God’s love for them and His plan to rescue them from this broken world. Thank goodness I get to shout this truth from the rooftops every Sunday morning. Also, thank goodness, I don’t rely on my own opinion or my imaginary expectations in making those claims. Instead I turn to my Bible and read the recorded words of the one who made the promises, God Himself, found in Jesus Christ. These are the recorded words of a real historical figure for me to read today. Let me show you an example.
John 14:1–4 (NIV) “Do not let your hearts be troubled.
leave this earth. But there is the rest of the story that is as critical to read. The path, the way to heaven, is also recorded in the words of Jesus the son of God. One of Jesus followers was still confused on how to get to this place called Heaven, so Jesus spelled it out in simple words.
John 14:5–6 (NIV) Thomas said to him, “Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?” 6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
The path is not complicated or puzzling. The path is not through being really good or trying not to be really bad. The path is not church attendance or religious training. The path is not of your own imagination or creation. The path is a person you must be in relationship with. JESUS!