Tom Dippel deserves your vote on August 9th

Posted 7/19/22

Most politicians are the same – they say one thing, but do another. State Representative Tony Jurgens is no exception. He is now asking voters for a promotion to the Minnesota Senate. Despite …

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Tom Dippel deserves your vote on August 9th


Most politicians are the same – they say one thing, but do another. State Representative Tony Jurgens is no exception. He is now asking voters for a promotion to the Minnesota Senate. Despite overwhelmingly losing the trust and support of Republican Delegates in March, he is campaigning as a “conservative”.

There are a couple of big reasons that businessman Tom Dippel won the Republican Endorsement over Jurgens, and they should cause pause for anyone voting in the August 9th Primary. Not only has Jurgens voted for endless spending and omnibus bills, but he voted to support Critical Race Theory.

HR 1 2020 was a resolution in the Minnesota House which declared Racism to be a public health emergency. If you have not read the resolution, I recommend doing so immediately. It is chock full of left-wing buzzwords copied and pasted from the historically inaccurate 1619 project. This is Critical Race Theory, and Tony Jurgens voted to support it.

If Tony Jurgens cannot stand up against the woke mob, he will not stand up against the tax and spend politicians in St. Paul. If you call yourself a conservative, then you should put your support behind a true conservative. Vote for Republican Endorsed Tom Dippel on August 9th.

Patrick Vollmuth Cottage Grove