Tom Dippel will fight for transparency

Posted 10/11/22

Minnesota is without a doubt a blue-leaning state. The last time we elected a Republican statewide was in 2006 with Tim Pawlenty, and by a slim margin at that. With nearly two decades of control by …

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Tom Dippel will fight for transparency


Minnesota is without a doubt a blue-leaning state. The last time we elected a Republican statewide was in 2006 with Tim Pawlenty, and by a slim margin at that. With nearly two decades of control by the DFL, we have seen an increased crime, a higher tax burden, and fraud and abuse that are being swept under the rug.

Here in Senate District 41, we have an opportunity to elect a lifelong resident of Cottage Grove to the legislature. Not only does Tom have the business experience to stand up to wasteful spending, but he also has the energy and charisma to be a leader for our local community.

Though he is a Republican, he is working hard every day to win over Democrats to the cause of fighting fraud in St. Paul. I am confident that with more Republicans like Tom in St. Paul, we can preserve our tax dollars and ensure that our community is heard.

I will be voting for Tom Dippel for the state senate on November 8th. After two decades of DFL control, I believe that Republicans deserve a chance at leading our state. Charles Jay Sterzinger Jr. Cottage Grove